Page 4 - Advancing the Academy Fall 2016 Newsletter
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For Tom Baca ’71, Albuquerque Academy has been part of his family’s life since the Wyoming Campus opened in 1966. Around the time that Tom and two of his brothers, Dave ’68
and Phil ’73, were applying to the school, their mom, Lena Baca, was offered a job as the school receptionist by then Head of School Ashby Harper. Lena took the job and the Baca brothers became students at the Academy.
“My parents believed in a good education,” says Tom, adding that his father was a math and science teacher with Albuquerque Public Schools. “Our family has always been committed to education.”
After graduating from the Academy, Tom attended Union College in Schenectady, New York, earning degrees in Latin American studies and mechanical engineering. He also met his wife, Helen, while attending Union. He obtained his masters and doctoral degrees in mechanical and civil engineering at Stanford and returned to Albuquerque to complete a 35-year career at Sandia National Laboratories working on national defense and energy technology. During this time, Tom and Helen also raised a family of four sons and one daughter.
In 1990, the year before his mom retired from the Academy, Tom’s oldest son, Justin ’97 was a member of the incoming 6th grade class. Justin was the first of Tom and Helen’s five children to attend Academy: Quentin ’00, Aaron ’02, Sylvan ’04, and Eileen ’07 followed.
Tom believes that one of the most important aspects of raising a child is being involved in their school and education – and he says, Albuquerque Academy encourages that. Tom served as a member of the Hispanic Parent Council and was a member of the Head of School Search Committee in 2000. He also served as a member of the board of trustees from 2001-2016.
With so many years of Academy experience under his belt, Tom says he has seen changes, but the important things have remained. “The school has been able to carry on its original mission,” he says. “My children found the same strong connections with teachers here that I found. Observing my children while they were students here reinforced that for me.”
Now, with three grandchildren (all under the age of five) living in Albuquerque, Tom is already thinking about the next generation of Baca children and their education. While it’s still too soon to say for sure, Tom is pretty optimistic that he’ll be attending Commencement for the Class of 2030.
Baca Family Gathering: Helen, Tycho , Justin ’97, Quentin ’00, Soren, Helen, Aaron ’02, Milo, Eileen ’07, Sylvan ’04 and Tom ’71.
Lena Baca at the receptionist desk at Albuquerque Academy
As we prepare for winter break, we hope you will take a few minutes to reflect on how truly special fall is at Albuquerque Academy. From the opportunities made possible through the dedication of our incredible faculty, to the unique activities such as Convocation and the 8th Grade Dig to Fall Sports Day and GrandDays, our students are so fortunate.
But, these opportunities would not be possible without the generosity and commitment of our parents, alumni, and friends. If you give the gift that keeps on giving by supporting the school’s Annual Fund you help the Academy continue to be a place where great things happen and where students thrive. Make your gift before the end-of-year tax deadline on December 31 by clicking here. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support. Happy holidays!
Ninth-grade students celebrated Albuquerque Academy's 12th annual Medieval Day in style! Students, dressed as various medieval figures they had selected to study, attended workshops and seminars on a wide range of related topics – from alchemy to Viking explorations. Highlights included a class- wide presentation about the Black Plague, a performance by Musica Antigua de Albuquerque, and a costume contest. Click here to watch a short video.

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