Page 136 - Geoffrey Budworth, Jason Dalton "The Little Book of Incredibly Useful Knots"
P. 136
Midshipman’s loop
This useful loop is another shock-absorbing, slide-and-grip knot (see also the adjustable bend,
page 29). Grasp the knot in one hand and you can shift it along the standing part of the rope
around which it is tied. Apply a load, however, and it will hold fast—unless overloaded, when it
will slide. This characteristic knot can be used to tighten or slacken tent guy-lines and as a third
hand in many home repairs. It is not to be confused with the crane-hook hitch of the same name,
which was once employed by dock workers handling cargoes between ships and warehouses.
Pass the working end around or through the fixture or load, and cross it in front of the standing
part of the line (1). Tuck the end once to encircle the standing part (2), then again above the first
turn (3). Take a final turn around the standing part beyond the original crossing point (4). Work
the knot snug and tight, since it depends for its friction on creating a dogleg formation in the
standing part of the line (5).