Page 316 - Geoffrey Budworth, Jason Dalton "The Little Book of Incredibly Useful Knots"
P. 316
Square lashing
This lashing is used whenever two spars bear upon one another, no matter what the angle (it
does not have to be a right-angle). If they tend to spring apart, use a diagonal lashing (see pages
Tie a clove hitch (see page 150) around the vertical spar, directly beneath the horizontal one (1),
then “dog” (that is, twist) the end around the standing part of the lashing, for added security. Lead
the working end under and around the horizontal spar, thus supporting it, across in front of the
vertical spar, then down and around the horizontal one again (2). Follow this initial lead around at
least three times—more if the spars or poles are thick, and the lashing is thin—exerting tension
every step of the way (3). Change direction and take two or three frapping turns between the poles
(4), to grip and further tighten the lashing itself. Tie off with another clove hitch (5), then contrive
to tuck the end once or twice through any available space close to the knot (6).