Page 383 - Geoffrey Budworth, Jason Dalton "The Little Book of Incredibly Useful Knots"
P. 383


  arbor: the spindle or shaft at the center of a fishing reel or spool, to which the line is attached

  backup: a simple knot (often an overhand) that prevents the main knot from slipping

  belay: to anchor a climbing position by means of ropes and fixings

  bend: a knot that joins two separate ropes together

  bight: a loop formed in rope by folding it back on itself

  in the bight: describes a knot tied without using either end of the line

  blood knot: a knot with many wrapping turns; it is used especially by anglers and climbers

  carabiner: a steel snap-ring with a spring clip or screw gate in one side, used by climbers

  cinch: to tighten a knot

  cleat: a metal or wooden fitting with two projecting horns or arms, around which rope is fastened

  coil: rope that is wound into a neat series of loops or circles, primarily for storage

  cordage: a generic term for rope of all sizes and materials

  crossing turn: a full circle of rope formed by crossing one part over another

  dog: to twist or wind the working end around the standing part

  drawloop: a bight or loop created when the working end of the rope is not pulled fully through the knot; it forms a quick-release
  method of untying the knot

  eye: a loop in the end of a line or the opening at the end of a fishing hook through which fishing line is threaded

  foundation: a rail, ring, post, spar, or even another rope, around which a line is wrapped and knotted as a form of secure anchorage

  frapping turn: an extra turn made to tighten a previous layer of turns

  half hitch: a simple knot tied with an end around its own standing part

  halyard: a rope that is used to hoist or lower a sail

  hawser: a three-stranded rope

  heaving line: a light line that is thrown from one person to another; it is often used to pull a heavier rope into place across the
  intervening distance

  hitch: a knot that attaches a line to a ring, rail, or post—or to another line

  kernmantel: a rope with a braided sheath enclosing one of several sorts of core yarns

  knot: the generic name for rope and cord entanglements; more specifically, anything that is not a bend, a hitch, or is tied in small stuff
  (such as fishing line)

  lanyard: a short length of rope used to fasten or lash an object
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