Page 388 - Geoffrey Budworth, Jason Dalton "The Little Book of Incredibly Useful Knots"
P. 388
Portland Creek hitch 193
Portuguese bowline 76–77
Prusik knot 142
racking bend 28
Rapala knot 190–191
reef-knotted loop 62
reel knot 194–195
release hitches 162–163
riffle/riffling hitch 193
rigger’s bend 38–39
ring hitch (double-ended) 230–231
rolling hitch 200
Rosendahl bend/knot 36–37
round lashing 268–269
round turn and two half hitches 133
running bowline 67
scaffold hitch 248–249
scaffold knot 114–115
seizing bend 30–31
self-equalizing anchor 242–243
shear/sheer lashing 268–269
sheepshank 289
sheet bend 25
short splice 314–315
simple Simon (double) 54–55
single Blackwall hitch 252
single bugle cord 287
single hook hitch 256
single trumpet cord 287
slide-and-grip (center-loaded) 245
slide-and-grip (end-loaded) 244
sliding sheet bend hitch 134–135
slipped bowline 74
slipped buntline hitch 214
slipped cleat hitch 173
slipped constrictor knot 154
slipped figure eight 295
slipped noose hitch 137
slipped overhand knot 293
slipped rolling hitch 201
slipped sheet bend 26
slipped square knot 11
slippery half hitch 131
snelling of a hook 222–223
snug hitch (reinforced) 260–261
snuggle hitch 216–217
Spanish bowline 78–79
spar hitch 170
spider knot 228–229
spider loop 82
splices 310–315
square knot 10
square lashing 264–265
stevedore knot 296
stopped loop 61
stoppers 290–297, 302, 308–309