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English Language Arts Department Program Review
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            Unionville-Chadds Ford School District. November 12, 2019. Hoffman, Tim (Dir. of Curriculum and Instruction)

            University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). January 7, 2020. Godley, Dr. Amanda.

            York Suburban School District (YSSD). November 12, 2019. Ellis, Dr. Brian (High School Principal); Jackson,
            Theresa (Assistant Principal); Bedell, Betsy (English Department Chair).

            Research Subcommittee

            A Closer Look at the Five Essential Components of Effective Reading Instruction: A Review of Scientifically
            Based Reading Research for Teachers​. The National Reading Panel Report, 2000.

            Andersen Simon Calmar, and Nielsen Helena Skyt. “Reading Intervention with a Growth Mindset Approach
            Improves Children’s Skills.” ​Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America​,
            vol. 113, no. 43, 2016, p. 12111.

            Bos, Candace S., et al. “Learning To Teach Early Literacy Skills Collaboratively.” ​TEACHING Exceptional
            Children​, vol. 32, no. 5, Jan. 2000, pp. 38–45.

            Campbell, Robyn. “The Power of the Listening Ear.” ​The English Journal​, vol. 100, no. 5, 2011, pp. 66–70.
            JSTOR​, ​​.

            Dweck, Carol S. ​Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development. Essays in Social
            Psychology​. 2000.

            Fulk, Barbara Mushins, and Donna J. Montgomery-Grymes. “Strategies to Improve Student Motivation.”
            Intervention in School & Clinic​, vol. 30, no. 1, Sept. 1994, p. 28. ​EBSCOhost​, doi:10.1177/105345129403000105.

            Gere, Anne Ruggles, et al. Using Evidence in Writing. National Council of Teachers of English,
            CC0222Policy.pdf?_ga=2.96702879.1017677776.1570543958-1786176256.1568126111.Accessed 8 Oct. 2019.
            A Policy Research Brief produced by the National Council of Teachers of English.

            Göpferich, Susanne, and Imke Neumann. ​Developing and Assessing Academic and Professional Writing Skills​.
            Peter Lang ed., New York, Frankfurt am Main, 2016,

            Graham, S., & Perin, D. (2007). Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and
            high schools – A report to Carnegie Corporation of New York. Washington, DC:Alliance for Excellent Education.

            Hanford, Emily. "There Is a Right Way to Teach Reading, and Mississippi Knows It." New York Times, New
            York, 5 Dec. 2019, ​​.

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