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DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17
Other Questions: LESSONS
Employee Spotlight
Q. If you were an animal, what animal Case Lessons
would you be and why? Studies Learnt
A. I would be a beaver because I’m LEARNT
an extremely hard worker, and I’m always
dedicated to doing the job right. Also,
Beavers build dams and lodges using tree
branches, vegetation, rocks, and mud; they FROM ETHICS
chew down trees for building material. Dams Gift soliciting and unprofessional
impound water and lodges serve as shelters. conduct of Staff towards Vendor. 1. Encourage 3rd parties to promptly
Their infrastructure creates wetlands used AND COMPLIANCE Malicious destruction of Company escalate unprofessional dispositions
by many other species, and because of their data asset and abuse of work privileges. 2. Management to put measures in
effect on other organisms in the ecosystem, Investigation frustrated due to delayed place to strengthen Governance
and prevent abuse of privileges.
they are considered a keystone species. ISSUES IN escalation and sparse details.
I like to build structures that endure and
serve others, so that’s why I identify as a
beaver… but obviously a better-looking one
than normal beavers today. QUARTER 3, 1. SCM should ensure process
compliance and regular transactions
Single sourced Vendor in
Q. What do you do in your free time? emergency did not follow due call over to identify exceptions
young, and once I come back from work, 2022 course as per SCM Policy and promptly escalate them for
Free time? I do not really have any,
management action.
to be honest. My family is still relatively
I try to be with them as much as I can
virtually since I am apart from them. I try
Approval was sought for AGO
to engage via technology and answer all but used to purchase PMS and 1. Supervisors should be very
detailed in reviewing the requests
their questions, because I know it matters differences were suppressed
they approve, particularly requests
to them. I’ve done homework through zoom and this went on for a long time with financial value.
on occasion �. I do not want to say that I
do not enjoy my time with them–quite the
contrary, it’s great. But it’s not really free
time. Anyway, that’s life, I enjoy my role as a
father, and so far I’ve managed to do a good
job both as an employee and a family man.
Q. If you could choose a superpower, OILSERV MARKS INTERNATIONAL
what would it be and why?
A. If I could have any superpower, it
would be telekinesis. Instead of going up and ANTI-CORRUPTION DAY (IACD) 2022
down to get my work done, I could just solve
Chinwe Uche
it with my mind. It would also come in handy Manager, Compliance Dept.
when I'm trying to find stuff around the house. Oilserv Group
The IACD is a creation of the United T his year ’ s I ACD t heme,
Q. Who is your role model?
Nations Convention Against Corruption #UnitedAgainstCorruption, aptly
A. My role model is my father Akunne At Oilserv, we promote (UNCAC) designated to raise awareness captures the spirit of our anti-corruption
Alfred Ikemefuna Obi. He was the Chief high ethical standards of corruption, and of the role of the drive in Oilserv – It is not one man’s
fire service Officer of Old Anambra state, as enshrined in our Convention in combating and preventing job, but a combination of all Corporate
he also worked at NAFCON (now Notore). Code of business it. This year’s commemoration seeks and Individual efforts, united to stamp
He taught me to invest from when I was in conduct and Shared to highlight the crucial link between out corruption from our business.
secondary school and save for a rainy day. values. We cease every opportunity to reiterate our core anti-corruption and peace, security, and STOP
This has helped me a lot today as an adult values to our Workforce and Stakeholders. Today, as we development and the ever-important Happy International Anti-Corruption CORRUPTION
with children. mark International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) 2022, we value which requires everyone to join Day!
lend our voices to condemn corrupt practices and advocate efforts to tackle this crime. #UNCAC #IACD2022
for integrity and transparency in our business dealings. #UnitedAgainstCorruption# Oilserv
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