Page 29 - Q4 Oilservers Newsletter
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DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17                                                  DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17

                                                      Q.     What is your favorite sport?
 Employee Spotlight
                                                      A.     My favorite sport is Golf; the game of golf is
                                                      wonderful for the psyche. It keeps the mind alert and
                                                      provides vital human contact, along with several other
                                                      benefits to mental health.
                                                      Q      What is your favorite delicacy?
                                                      A.     Well, it’s a tricky question. I mean, there are many
                                                      choices right now. I really like to try new things all the time,
                                                      and I like to experiment. I’ve tried dishes from different   Employee Spotlight
                                                      places. I really like spicy food, especially Nsala soup.
                                                      Q.     What are your hobbies?
                                                      A.     I'm quite active in my spare time and I enjoy
                                                      keeping  fit.  I  jog  when  I  have  time.  Whilst  I  am  not
                                                      fitness-obsessed,  keeping  fit  helps  me  to  maintain  a
 Q.   How would you describe your job                 positive mindset and it helps my concentration levels at
      to a bunch of 5-year-old children?              work. I enjoy reading interesting articles online on the go.
 Loretta Odumodu,  A.    My job is to make sure that everyone   This helps improve my vocabulary and it also helps me to
 Lagos Office Manager,  in the Lagos office does the right thing at the
 Oilserv Limited                                      relax.
 right time.  I try  to make  people feel  happy      Finally, I enjoy spending time with my family as again, it
 Personal Questions:   by creating a good environment where they   helps me to relax, and it's important I give them some of
 Q.   Could you tell us about yourself?  can work at ease and find solutions to their   my spare time as they always support me in my work, and
 A.    I am Loretta Odumodu, a very simple woman   problems when they are sad. I also run errands   they encourage me with my career aspirations and goals.
 who is honest, committed, and dedicated to my job   for the Chairman. Finally, my job is to help to
 and whatever I believe in. I like to make people feel   make sure that people can be flown to different   Professional Questions:
 at home wherever I find myself.  places safely and on time.  Anthony Obi,  Q.    What is your philosophy in life?
 Q.   Describe yourself in three words?   Q.   What is the greatest motivation in   Project Engineer,
       Oilserv Limited.                               A.     My philosophy in life is to add value to everything
 A.    Passionate, loyal, and organized.       your line of duty?   I do and to my relationships with others. I also believe in
 Q.   What's the one thing about you that few   A.     A very good work environment/   Personal Questions:   building personal relationships and loyalty as these are
      people know?        positive atmosphere  Q.    Could you tell us about yourself?  the most enduring things in life that money cannot buy.
 A.      A lot of people do not know that I’m daring and      A.    My  name  is  Engr  Obi  Anthony  Ejiofor.   Q.    What do you do for Oilserv Group?
 very courageous. I can venture into things that most   Other Questions:   I am a highly focused (COREN) certified,   A.    I am a Civil Engineer; I work as a Coordinator
 women would not think of.  Q.   If you were an animal, what animal   result-driven, strategic thinker with over 17 years        in the Civil and Survey department.
 Q.   What is your favorite sport?        would you be and why?    of progressive experience spanning from logistics   Q.    Could you describe your happiest day at
 A.     Swimming  A.     Dove. Doves are peaceful creatures   to Civil Engineering. I am also a husband to my       work?
 Q.   What is your favorite delicacy?   therefore I would like to be the harbinger of   lovely wife and father to three beautiful children.  A.     My happiest day at work is any day that I can tick
 A.     Ukwa (Breadfruit)  peace and always look for non-violent solutions   Q.     Could you describe yourself in three   off all I planned for the day as done. This ties into my
 Q.   What are your hobbies?   to problems.       words?  personal philosophy of adding value. I feel fulfilled and
 A.     Cooking, Gardening, and Travelling  Q.   What do you do in your free time?   A.    Passionate, Empathetic, and Inquisitive  happy.
 A.     I try out some new dishes and study   First, I'm passionate; I've always been interested   Q.    Could you describe the Oilserv Core Values
 Professional Questions:   plant care tips  in science and technology and like to learn as        in 3 words?
 Q.   What is your philosophy in life?   Q.   If you could choose a superpower   much as possible about new topics.  A.    Pragmatic, Sufficient, & Rewarding
 A.     Be the reason someone smiles       what would it be and why?   Second,  I'm  empathetic;  I  always  try  to   Q.    How would you describe your job to a
 Q.   What do you do for Oilserv Group?   A.     I would choose to be invisible: travel   understand others' perspectives and find ways        bunch of 5-year-old children?
 A.     I manage the overall activities in Lagos   to amazing places of my  choice at no cost,   to relate to them.  A.    I build and maintain buildings eg houses, electric
 Office and work as the Confidential secretary to the   and assist in eliminating crime in society by   Finally,  I'm  inquisitive;  I like to explore  the   poles, fences, and others that can be used for a lot of things
 Chairman/GCEO.   catching and handing over criminals to security   world around me and find meaningful ways to   Q.    What is the greatest motivation in your line of
 Q.   Could you describe your happiest day at   agents in order to make the world a better   contribute to conversations.      duty?
     work?    place. I would be able to discover who my good   Q.    What's the one thing about you that   A.    I am motivated by meeting set targets within
 A.     The day I received my first promotion letter.  and bad friends are.        few people know?  deadlines, as it gives me a sense of accomplishment and
 Q.   Could you describe the Oilserv Core   Q.   Who is your role model?   A.     My initial degree was in computer   it's something that I can look back on and say, "I achieved
      Values in 3 words?    A.     My role model is Ngozi   science before engineering
                                                      that". I'm also motivated by visible results.
 A.     Safety, Quality, and Innovation      Okonjo-Iweala.

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