Page 3 - Pulse@FOM Issue 2/2018
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MESSAGE FROM                               PROFESSOR DR YVONNE LIM AI LIAN

                 DEPUTY DEAN                              DEPUTY DEAN (RESEARCH)

                                                                          My warmest greetings to all!

                                                                          A At the beginning of the year, I came
                                                                          across  a  quote  that  said  “Today,  is
                                                                          the  first  blank  page  of  a  365  page
            Pulse@UM is a tri-annual research bulletin in                 book, so write a good one.” The year
            English published by the Faculty of Medicine                  has certainly drifted by very quickly
            at  the  University  of  Malaya.  The  views  and             and  this  2nd  issue  of  Pulse@UM
            opinions expressed in this Bulletin are those   highlights the many events that have taken place in the
            of  the  author(s)  and  do  not  necessarily   first quarter of 2018.
            represent  those  of  UM.  Materials  from  the
            Bulletin  may  be  reprinted  with  proper   Our section on “Our People, Our Story” features Professor
            attribution.                                 Dr.  Christina  Tan  Phoay  Lay  and  Professor  Dr.  Maznah
                                                         Dahlui  who  delivered  their  inaugural  lecture  in  January
            If you would like to learn more about anything   and March, respectively. Both spoke passionately about
            from this bulletin, or would like to contribute   their experiences and achievements.
            or  subscribe  to  future  issues,  please  get  in
            touch at           W We  are  very  proud  of  Professor  Dr.  Ng  Kwan  Hoong,

            For  the  online  version  of  this  bulletin,  visit:   Department of Biomedical Imaging, for being the first
              Asian  scientist  to  be  honoured  with  the  highest  rank
                                                         and the most prestigious award in Medical Physics –
            CONTRIBUTORS                                 the  Marie  Sklodowska-Curie  Award  bestowed  by  the
            We  would  like  to  acknowledge  and  thank  the   United  Kingdom-based  International  Organization  for
            following contributors to this issue:        Medical Physics (IOMP).
            Christina Tan Phoay Lay, Ng Kwan Hoong, Maznah
            Dahlui, Ng Chirk Jenn, Teo Chin Hai, Amirah Amir,   I I’d  like  to  also  congratulate  the  Clinical  Investigation
            Sajaratulnisah Othman, Hasniza Zaman Huri, Khoo   Centre (CIC), UMMC, for recently being ranked 7th in the
            Jing HIng, Morvarid Akhavan Rezaei, Mohd Iskandar   Top-10 IQVIA Prime Sites globally. IQVIA is the world’s
            Jefree Johari, Juraina Abd Jamil, Sazaly Abu Bakar,   largest  contract  research  organisation  (CRO)  for
            Vijayapandi Pandy, Tan Choo Hock, Thibashini Nair,
            Puteri Sharinaz, Wan Izlina Ibrahim, Tan Maw Pin,    clinical research, and this is quite an achievement
            Thamil Sel
            Thamil Selvee Ramasamy, Reena Rajasuria, Jamal I
                                                         This issue of Pulse@UM also serves you with news on
            Ching Sam, Nur Aishah Mohd Taib              This
                                                         various  research  facilities,  initiatives  and  activities
            EDITORIAL BOARD                              within  the  faculty.  Many  may  not  be  aware  that  our
            Advisors:                                    Faculty has one of the leading research teams on snake
            Adeeba Kamarulzaman                          venom. To entice you to this topic, we have an article
            Yvonne Lim Ai Lian                           called “From Genes to Fangs”.
            Low Wah Yun
                                                         Lastly, we rejoice with the various award recipients and
            Choo Wan Yuen                                Lastl
            Editors:                                     the recognition received by Faculty colleagues and the
            Fadzilah Hanum Mohd Mydin                    Silent Mentor Centre, UM. At the rate we are going, I am
            Tan Choo Hock                                sure that the 365 page book that we are writing, will be
            Tan Kae Yi                                   an eventful one.
            Kathleen Fernandez
            Aun Yi Yang                                  Keep up the good work!
            Nurul Farhana Mohd Nasir
            Carol Ann Cheah Wei Qi                       With best wishes,

                                                         Professor Dr Yvonne Lim Ai Lian

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