Page 7 - Pulse@FOM Issue 2/2018
P. 7

                   CONNECT                                IMPROVE HEALTHCARE: THE
                                                          UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA EHEALTH
                THE WORLD                                 INITIATIVE (UMEHI)

                                                          NG CHIRK JENN & TEO CHIN HAI
                                                          DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY CARE MEDICINE

                                                                     The Education track focuses on using ICT to
                                                               deliver  accessible  and  effective  training  for
                   The  University  of  Malaya  eHealth  Initiative   medical  students,  postgraduate  trainees,  and
             (UMeHI)  was  established  in  April  2017  and  is   healthcare  professionals.  In  February  2018,  the
             hosted  under  the  Faculty  of  Medicine,  with  the   UMeHI  conducted  a  workshop  on  ‘Design  and
             Faculty  of  Computer  Science  and  Information   implementation of effective technology-enhanced
             Technology (FCSIT) as its key partner. The UMeHI   learning  solutions  for  medical  education’  which
             aims  to  use  information  and  communications   was
                                                               was led by Associate Professor Dr Sunhea Choi, an
             technology (ICT) to improve healthcare for patients   instructional design expert from the University of
             and the community. The UMeHI team, comprising     Southampton.
             researchers,  healthcare  professionals,  computer
             scientists  and  industry  representatives,  aims  to         The  third  aim  of  the  UMeHI  is  to  improve
             work together to provide effective, sustainable and   clinical  service  delivery  using  ICT.  The  UMeHI
             innovative  solutions  to  address  real  world   works  closely  with  the  University  of  Malaya
             healthcare challenges.                            Medical Centre’s (UMMC) IT Department to create
                                                               a  research  data  management  system  to  support
                   The  Initiative  targets  three  domains:   research  and  improve  patient  care  using  the
             Research, Education and Clinical Services. Under   electronic   medical   record   (EMR)   system.
             the  Research  track,  the  UMeHI  conducts       Additionall
                                                               Additionally,  the  UMeHI  is  also  developing  other
             bi-monthly journal clubs to update researchers on   tools  to  enhance  clinical  service  delivery.  For
             current eHealth trends and share ideas. The UMeHI   instance,  a  pre-consultation  patient  agenda
             also  conducts  regular  workshops  to  train     system  and  an  evidence  retrieval  system  have
             researchers in eHealth, such as using software to   been developed to facilitate doctors in finding out
             analyse                                           their patient’s agenda, and to empower clinicians
             analyse  big  data  involving  machine  learning
             (artificial intelligence).                        to practise evidence-based medicine.

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