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Aktina Renewable Power Project | Texas
Rosendin’s Renewable Energy Group
partners with Tokyo Gas America to construct
largest solar power project in Texas
n southeastern Texas surrounded by farmland, Rosendin is the only Tier 1 Solar EPC in the industry that
Rosendin’s Renewable Energy Group (REG) begun designs and self performs the full spectrum of low-, medium-,
building the largest solar power project in the state. The and high voltage electrical, substation and transmission
IAktina Renewable Power Project calls for the installation work. Over the past 15 years, REG has delivered over 3 GW
of 1.4 million solar modules across 4,000 acres in Wharton of solar project installations in the U.S. and Canada, with
County, located outside the Houston Metro area. more than 1 GW currently under construction and over 2
GW in development.
Rosendin is constructing the 500MWac/631MWdc solar
project with Tokyo Gas America, Ltd. (TGA), a wholly owned To construct the Aktina facility, Rosendin hired 500
subsidiary of Japan’s largest provider of city gas, Tokyo Gas employees and union contractors with the International
Co. Ltd. (Tokyo Gas). Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) following all
COVID-19 safety protocols. The team is currently comprised
Aktina will provide capacity to generate 500MWac/631MWdc
of renewable energy, enough to power 100,000 homes. To of over 30% women which significantly surpasses industry
meet growing regional demand, power generated at Aktina averages.
will be brought online in blocks starting in mid-2021 and “Rosendin is a trusted partner that is dedicated to building
sold to the ERCOT wholesale market. strong, diverse teams that provide career opportunities for
anyone interested in building our infrastructure, and we are
“Rosendin has been working closely with Tokyo Gas America
to construct the most highly anticipated solar project thrilled to contribute to this landmark project,” said Damon
in one of the fastest growing regions with an abundant Sebren, IBEW Local 716 Business Manager.
solar resource,” said David Lincoln, Rosendin Senior Vice One of the fastest-growing renewable energy groups in
President, Rosendin Renewable Energy Group. “We are
the country, Rosendin’s REG is building a robust workforce
“ very excited to be working with such a forward-thinking through active recruitment of experienced engineers,
Tokyo Gas America chose to partner with
partner that is committed to increasing renewable power
estimators, and project managers. A employee-owned
generation in Texas and around the world.”
company, Rosendin offers a sustainable and productive
Rosendin’s Renewable Energy Group because
career path for industry professionals who want to make a
“Tokyo Gas America chose to partner with Rosendin’s
they align with developers, from the early Renewable Energy Group because they align with difference. As an innovative company dedicated to inclusivity
and equity, Rosendin offers a wide range of opportunities
developers, from the early stage through construction, to
stage through construction, to address unique address unique challenges in the utility scale solar industry,” for growth potential to qualified professionals.
said Ken Kiriishi, Senior Vice President, Tokyo Gas America.
challenges in the utility scale solar industry. “This collaborative approach and ability to secure a stable • Completion target - first half 2022
workforce gave us confidence to launch our first American
” solar facility that we are taking from construction to • 4,000 acres in Wharton County, TX
- Ken Kiriishi, Senior VP commercial operation.” • 1.4 million solar modules
Parent company Tokyo Gas is on track to own over 1,365
Tokyo Gas America MWdc of total renewable energy capacity globally. The • 500 MWac / 631 MWdc
company aims to grow renewable power capacity to 5 • Power 100,000 homes
gigawatts (GW) by 2030 and achieve net-zero CO2 emissions
as outlined in the company’s ‘Compass 2030’ vision. • 500 new construction jobs