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             I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be part of Leadership

         Academy. Not only did I learn from each session, but it allowed me to

         form bonds with fellow Rosendin leaders across the country. Because of
         the relationships we created, I reach out to other leaders for help and

         to share experiences. Leadership Academy changed the way I approach
         my relationships and responsibilities.                      “

                                                                                      - Jenica Bixler, LEED GA
                                                                                               Division Manager
                                                                         2020 Leadership Academy Graduate

        EMERGING LEADERS                                        LEADERSHIP

 DEVELOPING  NEW PIPELINE PROGRAM                               ACADEMY

        Rosendin’s Emerging Leaders Program kicked off in
 Tomorrow’s  January 2021. This program was developed as a result   NEW CLASS KICKS OFF IN 2021
        of switching the Leadership Academy to an application
        process where over 100 applications were received.
                                                                With the world still on pause from COVID-19, Rosendin’s
        Because of the high demand, an opportunity was created
                                                                leadership team made the decision to move forward with
 LEADERS  for the Training Team to develop a program that could   the 2021 Leadership Academy, but start out in a virtual
        serve as a pipeline for future Leadership Academy
                                                                “Virtual training comes with its own unique set of
                                                                challenges,” said Stephanie Roldan, Director of Lean
        An Emerging Leader is someone who is willing to become
        visible to peers and high-level leaders as choosing to
                                                                know each other, so participants are broken up into
        develop and expand their leadership capacity,” said Keith   Culture. “In larger groups it is harder to see and get to
        Douglas, COO. ”Emerging Leaders build relationships     two (2) groups of 15. In the past where we have relied
        both inside and outside the company and develop the     on cocktail receptions and mixers to get people talking
        skills to capitalize on opportunities. They support project   and connecting, we are now getting creative with virtual
        teams, serve on committees, participate in organizational   activities to accomplish this.”
        initiatives and contribute to the growth of their
 “      teammates and the company.”                             Prior to 2021, Leadership Academy would be conducted
     It has been great thus far to connect with other
                                                                over two to three  in-person workshops in various parts of
        The Training Team unveiled a program that includes
                                                                the country. To do this virtually, the training team is now
 folks across the Rosendin family. Often, we don’t
                                                                dividing that content and delivering it in one to two hour
        a self-assessment section to allow participants to rate
 have the opportunity to communicate with co-  themselves on their leadership skills; a guided competency   chunks over a couple of weeks.
        matrix that includes links to LinkedIn Learning content
 workers that aren’t directly connected to our   that is accessible at any time, a Study Action Team to   As part of the program, all participants receive 360 degree
        discuss the book Dare to Lead by Brene Brown, and a     feedback from supervisors, peers, direct reports and
 workflows. I especially like the knowledge that I am   series of instructor-led virtual courses covering a wide   customers. Once the feedback is received, participants
        range of leadership topics.                             work with an outside consultant to pick two focus areas
 gaining and the confidence that the next upcoming              for improvement. At the end of Leadership Academy, the
        “We divided the 56 participants into three cohort groups”   participants are re-assessed to see where and how they
 leaders for our company will have a cohesive vision   explains Lisa Vere, Vice President of Quality and Training.   improved in their focus areas. On average, past Leadership
 for where we go (or grow) next.   “  “Cohorts were set up in the Microsoft Teams platform to   Academy participants have see an 82% improvement in
        track team progress, push learning content and quizzes,   their identified focus areas.
 - John Reece  inform them of upcoming instructor-led training, and
 Project Executive  open discussion platforms for the content presented in
        the program. Each cohort can communicate with others in
 2021 Emerging Leaders Participant  their group and share ideas about what they are learning.”

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