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P. 11

The shock I felt from the makeshift cord may have

        been small, but one I still remember to this day.

        It would be wonderful if being shocked was a single    used on our job sites. The initial roll-out of the training
        occurrence, but the stories could continue, from trusting   modules were catered to the internal MOP approvers. These
        a co-worker saying that "everything is de-energized and   approvers had limited to no formal electrical theory training
        locked-off" to working with unfamiliar test equipment.   or field experience in identifying possible electrical hazards
                                                               or knew how to read a complex redundant power system.
        Working as an Electrician in the micro-economy of Silicon   Some of the mission-critical projects we have worked on
        Valley allowed me to see and install a diverse group of   have as many as 12 sources of energy that could back feed
        electrical systems and meet other Electricians from all over   onto the system. In addition, there are often very high
        our great country. In general, what I found was no matter   levels of fault current, making Arc Flash protection and
        what corner of our country you were from, Electricians   understanding very different.
        believed doing energized electrical work was part of the
        job. When I say energized electrical work, I don't mean   Another key focus of the training was to ensure that
        measuring voltage. I'm referring to the installation of   everyone working on any large mission-critical facilities
        Overcurrent Protection Devices (OCPDs) and associated   fully understood the single-line drawings. Through an in-
        hardware to energized switchboards or similar work     class training, individuals would learn how to navigate the
        activities. I would talk to my electrician family members   drawings to make informed decisions on how to control
        about why EEW was acceptable in the trade, and their   electric energy to keep themselves and others safe in the
        responses weren't much different from the reactions I've   Lock-Out Tag-Out (LOTO) process. Initially, we created the
        witnessed from colleagues. I knew that something needed   course for our Safety Teams, but soon after presenting
        to change and that I could be an avenue to making sure   the material, it became clear that there was a real need
        that new and future apprentices were educated about    to include our Electricians. Given the size of Rosendin, we
        electrical hazards involved in the electrical trade.   modified the training for on-line and instructor-led formats,
 By Eric Latona | Corporate Field Trainer                      where the content is created from the project's specific
        A couple of years after I received my IBEW Journeymen   single lines. Soon after, training requests came in from
        License, I joined the Electrical Training Alliance, where I   our customers, including the General Contractor's Field
 When I started in the electrical trade, it was a standard practice
        would eventually educate nearly a thousand apprentices   Superintendents, Owner Representatives, our customer's
 for electricians to conduct Energized Electrical Work (EEW).
        on electrical theory and, more importantly, electrical safety   Maintenance Electricians, and other sub-contractors. The
 Companies who had written procedures leading the Electrician to
        in the workplace. Educating myself and others about the   most significant benefit that our projects received from
 avoid EEW work whenever possible still had it happen. Some of
        importance to adopt and practice NFPA 70E, OSHA, and the   the training was astronomical improvements in affected
 these procedures included escalating requests for EEW to upper
        contractor's safety procedures is a significant component   employees following the LOTO process and procedure
 management. I honestly believe that most Electricians didn't
        in helping Electricians understand that an "old school"   set forth by the company, eliminating near misses. More
 understand what was considered EEW. Being raised in a household
        mentality is not the direction of the industry's future.   importantly, more individuals became knowledgeable
 with tradesmen, construction work, let alone electrical work was
        Winston Churchill once said, "There is nothing wrong with   about the electrical system for their site and overall general
 normal to me. I was raised with an "electrified pacifier."
        change if it is in the right direction."               knowledge of electrical systems for all future projects.
                                                               Our Training Team at Rosendin developed a job-specific
        national electrical contractor), and many other owners
 I learned at a young age that   One of the processes my now employer, Rosendin (a   The Program
 electricity wasn't something to be   require before the energization of newly installed electrical   one-line electrical power drawing course catered to
        systems is a method-of-procedure (MOP). The MOP
                                                               the needs of current electrical construction projects.
 taken for granted. I couldn't have   process takes all parties through an approval process where   Through this, employees learn how to identify symbols,
 been older than 10 when I felt my first   Safety Professionals, Project Managers, Stake Holders, and   abbreviations, and the safety procedures that accompany
 electrical shock while plugging in a   Superintendents must add/delete/edit/accept or reject   single line electrical work. The course uses single-line
        the procedure. Even with the MOP process implemented,   drawings from current project(s), and attendees study the
 makeshift extension cord for a whiffle   there would be reports of things gone wrong. Rosendin   one-lines system by system, providing an understanding of
 ball pitching machine. I didn't make it   took an approach much similar to the medical profession   current job site needs. Having the class navigate through
 to the big leagues, but I did pursue a   with near misses, educating employees with the goal to   the entire electrical one-line of the site is imperative to
        understand complex electrical systems, isolating potential   the training program. When I begin the course, I start with
 career in the electrical construction   energy sources, differences amongst electrical equipment,   utility and work my way through the project. In the initial
 field along with my brother.    and an exposure to the testing equipment and procedures   program roll-out, we were building an adjacent Utility

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