Page 16 - Q2_2020_Newsletter
P. 16

Jayna                                                                                                                                                                              ANGELA

                  Louder                                "Realizing that there are so many things out of                                     "The bright side for me in all of this is the extra   RUNDLE

                                                                                                                                            time with my children. This time may be trying
                                                        my control, all I can do is work each day to live
                                                        a happier and healthier life, create memories
                                                                                                                                            for us most days, but the time spent working
                                                        with my loved ones and do good in the world."
                                                                                                                                            from home will foster some of the fondest
                                                                                                                                            memories of our children’s lives."
        What are the biggest work related challenges you are    growing and knowing that soon enough, he will not need            What are the biggest family related challenges you are   parameters. I decided to type up a simple family schedule
        facing as a woman in STEM during this pandemic?         me as much anymore. It was a startling realization that his       facing?                                                 showing what the children, Mama, and Daddy are assigned
        During the pandemic, I started a new position as a      “baby phase” was over. I am thankful for this extra time at       I have two small children ages 3 and 5 and it’s hard for   to do for each hour from breakfast to bedtime. It worked
        Subcontract Administrator and was unable to travel and   home with him.
                                                                                                                                  them to see Mama and Daddy at home all day and not get   like magic!
        receive a full week of in-person training, which turned into
                                                                2). Reprioritizing our family budget and creating financial       all of our attention. My husband and I both work full time,
        virtual. This was not the ideal method for transitioning to a                                                                                                                     How do you work from home, while balancing the
                                                                security. During this time, I realized where I spent money        so we try very hard to give our evenings and weekends
        new team, with teammates in different locations.                                                                                                                                  needs of homeschooling or the needs of a family?
                                                                daily including morning coffee runs, lunches with co-             to our children. They are not used to us working so much   Schedule and parameters — with consistency. Children
        What have you done to address those challenges?         workers, weekend activities (concerts, dinners, happy             while we’re at home and, to make matters worse, my      are creatures of habit. If their routines are interrupted
        Our team has done a terrific job using our technological   hours). These little and sometimes big expenses all add        daughter who was fully potty trained before this — wasn’t   continuously or merely non-existent, they don’t respond
        tools such as Microsoft Teams, Cisco Jabber, WebEx, etc.   up. Having this time at home, we have saved money and          anymore.                                                well. I learned quickly that I needed to set my own routine
        for remote training. We use the technology available    prioritize “needs” over “wants.” I will keep these lessons for    What have you done to address those challenges?         with them in mind. For example, I take my first calls of
        to screen share and walk through training for the       future spending.                                                  The first couple of weeks working from home were the    the day from the kitchen while they eat breakfast, but
        different aspects of the job. We also have face-to-face                                                                   hardest and chaos. We had constant interruptions from   the rest of my day is spent in my make-shift office in the
        interaction utilizing virtual conferencing and webcams   3). Prioritizing family and close friends. I have made           the children and several failed attempts by my husband   dining room. The children understand that when I’m in my
        to help read facial expressions and confirm knowledge   it a point to schedule weekly Zoom game nights with               and I to “take turns” working. Our days were filled with   “office,” I’m working. If I try to bring my laptop to the couch,
        comprehension. With the utilization of the webcams, we   friends and family spread out over the country. I am                                     incessant inquiries about       all bets are off.
        can use our sense of sight, in addition to hearing, to pick   communicating now more than ever with loved ones I                                  snacks and when the children
        up on nuances.                                          rarely get to see in person.
                                                                                                                                                          could have electronics next.    At first, I tried to be flexible to when we’d do school work. I
                                   What are five reasons to     4). Focusing on good health. Listening to my body when                                    I found myself saying, “Please   would just fit it in when I had time, which inevitably meant
                                   be hopeful during this       I need to rest. Stretching and working out for both my                                    go outside. I need a few more   that we were scrambling to get the paperwork finished
                                   Corona crisis?               physical and mental health. I am running again, something                                 minutes,” for what seemed like   just before bedtime, which then became a fight because
                                   1). Ability to cherish and   I had forgotten how much I loved to do in the past.                                       every few minutes. The mom      that 30-minute slot was noted as “TV show” on the all-
                                   make memories with my                                                                                                  guilt was heavy. We didn’t follow   powerful schedule. Eventually, I decided to block an hour
                                   son. During this period, I   5). Tackling climate change on a global scale. There is a                                 any kind of routine, so every   for school work on my or my husband’s work calendars
                                   am privileged to spend       significant drop in air pollution and the largest annual                                  day was like Saturday for them,   each day.
                                   extra time with my son.      drop in carbon emissions in modern history. We can                                        and they couldn’t understand
                                   He is in Kindergarten, and   see clearly the impact we have as a human race on our                                     why we were working. Finally,   We eat together. At least lunch and dinner. It’s on
                                   I specifically remember      environment and places where we see the possibility for                                   I had an idea. I’ve known for   everyone’s schedule at the same time every day and
                                   earlier this year, wishing I   more significant change moving forward. Telecommuting                                   some time that my son takes     we give ourselves permission to be imperfect. Getting
                                   had more time with him.      for work is showing to be an effective way to cut                                         after me when it comes to       dressed isn’t always a priority, and we’re OK with that.
                                   Realizing how fast he is     unnecessary travel and overhead costs when it comes to                                    scheduling and tidiness.        Pajamas are comfortable.
                                                                specific sectors of the workforce.                                                        He longs for routine and

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