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Rosendin Teams

                 Raise Over $42K

        2020 Orange County Heart & Stroke Walk

        Rosendin team members in Anaheim, raised more than $42,000 for the 2020 Orange County Heart & Stroke Walk. This
        year’s walk for the American Heart Association raised $1.6 million for its virtual event, which encouraged participants to
        walk in their neighborhood and share photos on-line to make an impact in the fight against heart disease and stroke.
                                                                                                                                      Proud to Be
        Dozens of Rosendin employees on two company teams tapped into their   “Serving the community has
        personal and professional networks to collect $42,453 - well above their
        $30,000 goal.                                                        been an essential part of                                Employee-Owned
                                                                            Rosendin’s core values for
        “Many of our community’s nonprofits have seen a dramatic drop in
        donations, so it was important for everyone at our Anaheim office to   over 100-years, and even in                            Rosendin is proud to be employee-                     Employee-owned
        show support for the annual Heart Walk,” said Jon “Woody” Woodworth,
        Rosendin Senior Vice President.                                     these extraordinary times                                 owned, and our people carry a sense
                                                                            we will continue to support                               of accountability for the successes                  companies are 4x
        Rosendin’s teams raised the second highest amount by companies, with                                                          we experience. This type of family
        McCarthy Building Companies taking the top spot by collecting over   deserving organizations.”
        $125,00 for the Heart Walk.                                                                                                   atmosphere starts at the top. Our                    more resilient than
                                                                                                                                      employee-owners see their personal
        Rosendin and McCarthy are industry partners which have worked together for over 15 years in Southern California and           value in the company and understand
        on projects throughout California including the Tarzana Medical Center, VTA BART Stations, Santa Clara Square Parking                                                                other companies
        Facility, Kaiser Permanente Antelope Valley Medical Office Building, LACCD Valley Monarch Center, Santa Monica High           their responsibility. We all have a stake
        School, and the UC Berkley Student Center Upgrade.                                                                            in our future and take a long-term
                                                                                                                                      view of our customers’ welfare. We are                   in an economic
        The American Heart Association started the annual Orange
        County Heart & Stroke Walk to unite the community in the                                                                      motivated and empowered to provide
        fight against heart disease and stroke. Funds raised for the                                                                  the very best value and service, as we                           downturn.
        May 23 event go towards helping physicians prevent and                                                                        focus on keeping customers for life.
        treat heart disease, as well as groundbreaking pediatric
        heart and stroke research. Rosendin is proud to be a
        part of the Orange County community and support local
        organizations that help people experience a better life.

        Pictured: Rosendin employee, Lee Gutierrez and family, raise money for the                                                                 Visit
        Orange County Heart & Stroke Walk.
                                                                                      Gutierrez Family
                                                                                Lee, Tina, Gavin & Deegan
        34    The Feeder | Issue 2, 2020                                              2020 Heart Walk                                                                                                             Issue 2, 2020 | The Feeder    35
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