Page 5 - Q3_2022_Rosendin Corp Newsletter
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                    pportunity. It is defined as a              year. Through our foundation, we are giving back
                                                                tremendous resources in a time of immense need.
                    set of circumstances that makes
                                                                Our Rosendin and MPS teams have volunteered
          O it possible to do something,                        countless hours at food banks, domestic violence
          and, in this current economic climate,                shelters, community gardens, and numerous

          it is the word that comes to mind most                other organizations to assist those in need.
          frequently when I think about Rosendin.               Rosendin’s technology investment has led to the
                                                                formation of our Technology and Analytics Group
          I don’t discount our company or the industry’s
                                                                and the Research and Development Group. These
          challenges with continued supply chain concerns,
                                                                groups are working to develop applications to
          pricing fluctuations, etc. However, for Rosendin,
                                                                support our craftworkers, developing robotics
          the reality is that we have never had a better set
                                                                to fuel efficiency and safety in the field, and
          of circumstances that makes it possible for us to
                                                                analyzing whether those applications and tools
          do something incredible. We are fortunate to be
                                                                are providing real value to our workers.
          in a time of tremendous opportunity for us all.
                                                                Through Rosendin’s partnerships with ACE
          Our key markets: semiconductors, renewable
                                                                Mentor, Grand Canyon University, and local high
          energy, data centers, and transportation, have
                                                                schools and middle schools, we are reaching the
          received a legislative boost this year through
                                                                next generation of workers to get them excited
          the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
                                                                about the construction industry. Our Workforce
          Rosendin’s employee-owners and craftworkers
                                                                Development Team is growing to support these
          are the most prepared in this country to
                                                                efforts and provide continuing education to
          provide the expertise necessary to build the
                                                                craftworkers, ensuring they remain the most
          projects supported by this legislation.
                                                                skilled and technology-advanced workforce in
                                                                the country. Our project teams are receiving
          Rosendin has a healthy backlog, skilled and
                                                                the technology and tools necessary to help
          experienced craftworkers, and a motivated
                                                                them build their careers, provide for themselves
          workforce. These circumstances allow us to grow
                                                                and their families, and leave a proud legacy.
          responsibly in our careers, to grow our families and
          teams, and to grow and support the communities
                                                                Rosendin’s future is bright and filled with
          where we work and live. Because of our unique
                                                                opportunities for everyone to grow individually
          position, we have an opportunity to grow The
                                                                and in our industry. We are fortunate to have
          Rosendin Foundation, invest in technology,
                                                                built a culture upon our Core Values that has
          invest in our people, and invest in education.
                                                                held strong for over 100 years and would not
                                                                have been possible without the people that
          Since 2020, The Rosendin Foundation has
                                                                make this company great. The opportunities
          focused on giving back to local organizations
                                                                that lie ahead are endless, and each person at
          that support mental, physical, and occupational
                                                                Rosendin makes them a reality. To continue
          health. In their first year, The Foundation gave
                                                                to build our legacy, we need to take care of
          back $185,850. In 2021, the second year as a
                                                                and support one another and continue to
          non-profit, The Foundation reached a total
                                                                build up our communities and each other.
          charitable give of $502,000, 270% over their first
                                                                                           - Mike
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