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                                       By Josh Craig, VP of Finance and Matt Hisaka, CFO

                                                               BASE CAMP 2025

                                                                              Best Managers in the industry
                                                                              with an average score of
                                                                              85% or better as measured
                                                                              by employee engagement
                                                                              survey results.

                                                                              Solidifying our status as a
                                                                              Top 3 electrical contractor
                                                                              in the U.S. while expanding
                                                                              into at least 2 new markets.

                                                                              For every new process
                                                                              created we will remove
                                                                              two processes.

                                                                              Increase equity by at least
                                                                              40% while supporting our
                                                                              future with contributions
                                                                              to retirement benefits at
                                                                              levels that equal or exceed
                                                                              current contributions.

                                                                                                      THE FEEDER  |  7
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