Page 103 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 103

How to select the Font Type
                        1.  Click the Font list arrow on the Formatting tool bar. [A list appears
                            with all the fonts that are available on your computer].
                        2.  Scroll up/down the Font list and select the font you want to use.

               You can also select text and change it to a new font.
                        1.  Highlight the texts you want to change its Font Type
                        2.  Click the Font Type list arrow and select the font Type of your

                            choice from the Font Type list.

                                                     Changing Font Type

               Font Size
               Font size simply refers to how bigger (larger) or smaller font (or texts) appears
               when typed.  Font size is measured in points. The lowest point in the font list
               menu is 8 and the highest is 72. If you want to type any font size that is not on

               the font list menu, you need to type in the font size you want. E.g. 6 or 99

               Selecting font Size to type with:

                      1.  Insert the insertion point where you want to begin typing
                      2.  Click the Font Size list arrow. [A list of font sizes appears].
                      3.  Select font size from the Font Size list
                      4.  Start typing

               You can also Change the font size of text
                      1.  Select a text

                      2.  Click the Font Size list arrow. [A list of font sizes appears].
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108