Page 148 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 148

4 They hold data used by the          They hold data used by the

                     computer                          user
                 5 These are semi-conductor            These are magnetic and
                     memories                          optical memories

                 6 They are the main                   They are used as backup
                     memories                          memories

                 7 They are working memory             They are used for storage
                     of the computer                   of data in computers

                 8 Faster than secondary               Slower than primary
                     memories                          memories

                 9 Computer can’t run without Computer may run without
                     primary memories                  secondary memories

               Magnetic Storage Devices

               Magnetic storage is any device that manipulates magnetic fields on a medium in

               order to record audio, video or other data. Several types of magnetized media are
               used in computer systems, including magnetic tape, floppy disks and hard
               disk drives. It is a form of non-volatile storage.

               Hard Disk Drive

               A Hard Disk Drive (often shortened as Hard Disk, Hard Drive or HDD) is a
               non-volatile storage device that stores digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating
               rigid (i.e. hard) platters with magnetic surfaces.

                                                       Hard Disk Drive

               It stores all programs and data in the computer. Hence the hard disk is referred to
               as the Memory Bank of a computer. The hard disk memory is permanent so
               that the programs and data are not lost when the computer is turned off. Hard
               drives are secondary storage devices since they are not connected directly to
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