Page 149 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 149

the CPU. They are not as fast a RAM.

               Types of hard disk

                          Internal Hard Disk Drive: It is placed inside the system unit and
                          stores the operating system of the computer as well as other programs
                          and user files.
                          External Hard Disk Drive looks and works almost like the internal
                          one but is connected outside the system unit through a cable. The
                          external hard disk drive is portable and can be carried from one
                          computer to another.

               Parts of Hard Disk Drive
                          Platter: Platter is a circular, metal disk that is mounted inside a hard

                          disk drive to store data. Each platter can store data on both sides of the
                          platter. The more the platters, the larger the storage capacity of the
                          Spindle Motor: The Spindle motor is the motor that turns the platters.
                          Many hard drive failures occur due to spindle motor not functioning

                          Actuator: An actuator is an electronic device controlled by a motor
                          that moves the hard drive head arm.
                          Read/Write Heads: The heads convert the information, which is in the
                          form of bits to magnetic pulses when it is to be stored on the platter and
                          reverses the process while reading.
                          Logic Board: The logic board is an intelligent circuit board integrated

                          into the hard disk unit. Drive Bay: Drive Bay is an enclosure designed
                          to protect the hard drive from the outside air, dust and other
                          Ribbon cable: The ribbon cable is the flexible wire that link read/write
                          heads to the logic board.
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