Page 295 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 295
Chapter 11 - Editing Spreadsheet
Information in a spreadsheet is likely to change over time or may require editing.
Editing is the process of correcting mistakes and making changes to the content
of a document. Editing involves selecting a cell, range or worksheet; direct cell
editing; deleting; redo and undo; move (cut, copy and paste).
Selecting multiple cells
The currently selected cell in Excel is called the active cell. You can also select a
group of adjacent cells or a cell range. Many operations can be performed
against a cell range, including moving, copying, deleting and formatting.
To select all cells in a column:
Click the gray Column heading to select the entire column. (Click and
drag the cursor across other column headings to select those columns.)
To select all cells in a row:
Click the gray Row heading to select the entire row. (Click and drag the
cursor down through the row headings select those rows.)
To select a range of cells:
1. Move to the first cell in the range.
2. The mouse pointer becomes a large cross.
3. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag left or right, up or down