Page 338 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 338

learning games such as scrabble that do help in learning English language.

               Word processors such as MS- Word, can help to improve vocabulary, spelling
               and grammar. Some computer programs or computer in general, comes with an
               in- built dictionary that help users, for that matter students to learn words and

               their meanings (vocabulary), similar and opposite in meanings (synonyms and
               antonyms), etc.

               For example, a wrongly spelt word is underlined with red line (e.g. processors)

               as shown below. To correct it:
                            Right click on the word.
                            Choose from a list of suggestions for replacement.

               Also, to look for words that is synonymous to computer as shown below:

                            Right click on the word (e.g. computer).
                            Point to synonyms in the pop up menu.

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