Page 339 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 339
In accessing learning materials in the internet, students and teachers use ICT
tools (such as computer and mobile phone), applications (such as Encarta,
Wikipedia, etc.) and search engines to search for information in wide range of
To Search for Information on Ghana using Wikipedia:
1. Type ‘’ in the address bar.
2. Press Enter key to display Wikipedia home page.
3. Click ‘English’ to use the Wikipedia in the English Language.
4. Type the word or phrase that you want to search e.g. Ghana
5. Press the Enter key
There are many benefits of using ICT in teaching and learning.
Some of the benefits include:
Makes teaching and learning easy: Students gain access to many
examples and practical information as well as memory techniques when
they make use of ICT tools. The calculator for example makes
calculations easy.
Makes learning interesting: ICT tools do not require that students
need to be in the classroom always to learn. Students can be in the
comfort of their homes and learn. ICT tools also make colourful images
available. Students can play computer games whilst learning. e.g.