Page 95 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 95

Undo is simply a tool that is used to reverse action(s) already taken during the
               creation and/or editing of a document

               Steps to Undo:

                      1.  Click Edit on the Menu Bar
                      2.  Click Undo          from the Pop Up Menu

                          Click Undo        on the Standard Toolbar
                          Use the shortcut, CTRL + Z
                          Click Undo on the Quick Access Toolbar

                                         Quick Access Toolbars (word 2003 and 2007)

                  You cannot choose to undo one action in the middle of the list. To undo

               something, you did several steps back, you will have to undo everything you did
               after that action.

                  If you only want to undo one action in the middle of your document, select it
               and delete it or type the corrected text over it.

               Redo is a tool that is used to restore action(s) of the undo command / tool during
               the creation and/or editing of a document. The redo feature allows you to
               reverse the last undo.

               Steps to Redo
                      1.  Click Edit on the Menu Bar

                      2.  Click Redo         from the Pop Up Menu
                          Click Redo       on the Standard Toolbar
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