Page 63 - ICT_for_JHS_1_Classical
P. 63
NB: All icons (default and shortcuts) can be deleted without affecting the
The taskbar is a small bar that usually appears at the bottom of the screen
(desktop) and contains (from left to right):
Start Button
Quick Launch Toolbar
Launched Programs Area
Notification Area
Clock (Time)
Parts of a Taskbar
Start Button: The Start button is on left-hand side of the taskbar that allows you
to open menus, view all installed programs and start applications. You can also
use the start button to find files and programs.
Start Buttons
When you click the Start Button, a menu called Start Menu will appear. The
Start menu is your gateway to the applications on your computer. The Start
Menu is a user interface element that provides a central launching point for
computer programs and performing other tasks. The left side of the Start menu
lists programs, while the right side allows access to common Windows folders
(My Documents, for example). It also provides access to Help and Support,
Search, and Run.