Page 68 - ICT_for_JHS_1_Classical
P. 68

Chapter 10 - Managing Windows

               What is Window?

               A Window refers to a rectangular area of the screen within which you may view
               programs, folders and files. It’s the portion of the desktop screen in which a

               program with all its content is displayed. At the top of a window interface is the
               Title Bar. The title bar displays the name of the program or window (Window
               Title) and contains the tools for resizing and closing a window known as the
               Control Box.

               Control Box

               The Control Box is in the upper right-hand corner of the interface and consists of

               tools for sizing and closing a window or program. The title bar contains three
               buttons. The button with the flat piece (_) is the Minimize button. The button in

               the middle is the Resize button which also has two buttons, Maximize (one
               square) and Restore (two squares on it. The last button has an X on it and is

               called the Close button.

                                                         Control Box

               Minimize Button

               The minimize button drops programs or windows on the Taskbar, where it will
               only be represented by an icon. It hides a program or window from the screen
               but keeps it running in the computer's memory, ready for quick use. You can
               minimize a program you're not using so that it is still running, but is out of sight.

               How to Minimize
                          Click the Minimize Button            to minimize the window/program. The

                          window/program shrinks to an icon located in the Windows taskbar.
                          The window/program is still open and running. It's just hidden from
                          view, tucked away and ready for future use.

               It's easy to redisplay a minimized program or window when you're ready to use
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