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Sanusi  made  the  statement  when  the  Indonesian  government,  through  the  Ministry  of
              Manpower,  attended  the  Virtual  Ministerial  Meeting  of  Non-Aligned  Movement  members,
              according to an official statement received in Jakarta, Monday.

              "Non-Aligned Movement members must urge the ILO to strengthen support for its members in
              realizing  recovery  from the  impact  of  COVID-19  on the  world  of  work, particularly  for  three
              important issues," according to Sanusi, representing Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah.

              Sanusi, in a presentation, highlighted that the first area of focus is that the ILO should ensure
              timely, affordable, and fair access to COVID-19 vaccination for all nations.

              Sanusi  believes  Non-Aligned  Movement  members  should  urge  the  ILO  to  strengthen  its
              engagement with the WHO to realize that goal.

              "The ILO must prioritize COVID-19 vaccination for health workers and other frontline workers,
              as  well  as  key  and  essential  workers,  including  seafarers  in  all  affected  countries,"  Sanusi
              remarked at the meeting attended by 120 Non-Aligned Movement member countries.

              Related news: Indonesia calls on G20 to help poor countries recover from pandemic In addition,
              Sanusi expressed support to the Non-Aligned Movement members' efforts to overcome the digital
              gap among people within the country and between nations and mobilized increased development
              cooperation, including technological and technical support for developing countries.

              Another issue is developing, implementing, and adapting national human-centered response and
              recovery plans at the request of member states. A special focus of support should be given to
              countries, with limited capacity to implement the plan.

              The meeting also discussed about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

              Sanusi stressed that gross and repeated violations of the international law committed by Israel
              through  occupation  and  continued  aggression  in  the  Palestinian  territories  have  significantly
              impacted the socio-economic, labor, and employment conditions in Palestine.

              According  to  the  Manpower  Ministry's  secretary  general,  as  a  member  of  the  Non-Aligned
              Movement, both the government and Indonesian people have contributed to providing assistance
              to the Palestinian people, both at the multilateral and bilateral levels.

              "We are ready to work with Non-Aligned Movement member countries and relevant international
              organizations to achieve human-centered recovery, through decent work and inclusive growth
              for all," Sanusi stated.

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