Page 34 - ProfilGate-Loc8
P. 34
ProfilGate® Lifter Long lifting hooks
For the optimum operation of
The new ProfilGate® Lifter helps you to Two lifting hooks ease taking out the
ProfilGate® there are useful
take out the grates in a very easy and grates when the capturing trays need to
accessories available.
back-friendly way, by only one person. be emptied.
It saves labor cost by minimizing the low
maintenance work, even further!
Bollards ProfilGate® DryZone Maintenance board
Bollards used for forced guidance of The unique ProfilGate® DryZone ab- Even though the ProfilGate® system is
vehicles to utilise of the entire field sorbs fluids such as water, emulsions, basically maintenance free, even the
length. Flexible and resilient. oils and more, providing reliable drying best system needs to be emptied/
performance on the running surfaces of cleaned from time to time. To assure
tyres, rollers and wheels. that this is done regularly and in order
The ProfilGate® DryZone can be to have a reliable documentation, we
combined with all other models and provide our customers with the
can retrofit all existing ProfilGate® ProfilGate® maintenance board.