Page 42 - CPM Sri Lanka Annual Report 2020-2021
P. 42

               CPM Sri Lanka  |  Annual Report 2020-2021

            In preparation for the ‘New Normal’, it is important   training with their classes on Zoom. We received very
            to have the right navigation for the entrepreneurs to   encouraging responses from them.
            re-align their businesses as well as their managers
            and to re-skill their workforce to meet upcoming   With this course a new chapter in the future of the
            new challenges. In catering to these aspects, CPM Sri   Institute will be inaugurated. There will very soon be
            Lanka launched a “Management & Entrepreneurship   members qualifying from our own office. Your Institute
            Programme” with a fully-fledged syllabus and a practical   will then be an organisation providing acceptable
            experience component which consists of Certificate,   qualifications.
            Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications. We now   Please contact our office via 0706590995 / 0706590996 /
            have the several batches of young managers already in   0706590996 for the next intake details.

        Understanding timely needs, CPM Sri Lanka implemented
        an online system by transforming the membership
        process to a digital platform which is integrated into four
        main clusters thus: (i) Online Membership Application (ii)
        Online Members' Database (OMD) (iii) Online Member Profile
        Management System (OPMS) and Online Membership Directory
        (OMD). (Please refer annexure II and III). This will have ease of
        access quick verification, and members will be able to contact
        their colleagues and meet them virtually. We expect a closer
        contact among members.
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