Page 37 - CPM Sri Lanka Annual Report 2020-2021
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ACCELERATION THROUGH                37
                                                                                   CPM Sri Lanka  |  Annual Report 2020-2021

           22  Session Reskilling and Upskilling for A Future-Ready Workforce

                                                                         and filling critical gaps, a prime responsibility
                                                                         of HR. Organisations must adopt measures
                                                                         essential to close the increasing skills gap.
                                                                         22  Presentation of Evening for Managers
                                                                         webinar series was an informative session with
                                                                         and eminent panel who shared most invaluable
                                                                         factors. Key presenter, Ms. Payal Nanjiani,
               Key Presenter    Panelist       Panelist       Moderator
              Payal Nanjiani  Naleen Edirisinghe  Dr. Rear Admiral   Hashan   Founder & CEO, Success is within Leadership
                                           Shemal Fernando  Haputhanthri  USA & India, has illustrated her experiences
           Today organisations are facing continuous                     within the scope. Mr. Naleen Edirisinghe, Senior
           change caused by digital transformation and the current   DGM, Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC & Dr. Rear
           pandemic. It is imperative for organisations to engage in   Admiral Shemal Fernando, Secretary General, Sri Lanka
           reskilling and upskilling their employees by developing   Naval Association, displayed their views in their respective
           new skills and enabling them to be better at their jobs   fields.

            23  Session  Leadership in Crisis; The Assault on ethics
                                                                       companies lose sight of ethical standards of justice,
                                                                       fair play prudence, gratitude, resilience objectivity
                                                                       and integrity.
                                                                       Adding to this, the situation is further exacerbated
                                                                       by the severe restrictions imposed by economic, and
                                                                       social downturns at such times as these. It is at such
                                                                       times that we need to evaluate who a true leader is
                                                                       and what his ethical obligations are.
              Key Presenter    Panelist     Panelist       Moderator
               Dr. Nuwan       Himaja       Prasad          Hashan     Dr. Nuwan Wimalana, Business Consultant,
               Wimalana      Wijenayake   Edirisinghe     Haputhanthri  Independent Director & Visiting Lecturer, critically
                                                                       and theoretically illustrated into the topic including
            When leaders are confronted with harsh                     real life scenarios in his key presentation and Ms.
            realities and issues, they begin to overlook the distinction   Himaja Wijenayake, Country Manager, Looklet Design
            between good and bad. Herein lies the ethical dilemma that   & Production (Pvt.) Ltd. and Mr. Prasad Edirisinghe,
            corporations face.                                   Management Consultant / CFO, Van8age Holdings (Pvt.)
            Not only is it a severe blow to principles of leadership,   Ltd. Ex-Commission Member of National Science and
            it affects the very fabric of organizational behavior.   Technology Commission, Former CEO, Journalist & Visiting
            Organisations lose track of the humanness that is at the   Lecturer, added their specialist point of views as panelists.
            bedrock of all relationships. For short term advantage,

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