Page 32 - CPM Sri Lanka Annual Report 2020-2021
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CPM Sri Lanka | Annual Report 2020-2021
Two keynote speakers and veteran panelists representing health emergency. The panel discussion was moderated
critical institutions from the public and private sectors by Mr. Shiran Fernando, Chief Economist, The Ceylon
representing diverse countries expressed their opinions Chamber of Commerce. A veteran panel took part in day
in line with the conference theme. On day one, under one deliberations such as Mr. Suresh De Mel, Chairman,
Current Disruptions and Implications for Business: Export Development Board, Sri Lanka; Dr. Syed Ferhat
Managing & Leading, the keynote speech was delivered Anwar, Director, IBA Bangladesh; Prof. Jawad Syed,
by Mr. S. Renganathan, Managing Director/Chief Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore University
Executive Officer, Commercial Bank PLC. Dr. Clare of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan; Dr. Ramesh
Rigg, Senior Lecturer and Director of Studies, University Shanmuganathan, Executive Vice President/Group CIO,
of Liverpool, UK, gave one of the two panel speeches John Keells Holdings PLC; and Ms. Nayomi Handunnetti,
on relearning of fundamentals in ‘New Normal’ and entrepreneur, fitness fanatic, award-winning marketing
retrospection for the future. Dr. Ravi Fernando, Executive specialist.
in Residence, INSEAD Business School (Social Innovation Under the theme of Current Disruptions and Implications
Center), France, and CEO, Global Strategic Corporate for Business: Managing & Leading, on day two, the keynote
Sustainability (Pvt.) Ltd. delivered the other panel speech speech was delivered by Prof. Amit Karna, Professor of
on the 21st-century board leadership model and the
Day 1 Day 2
Current Disruptions Relearning of 21 Century
and Implications for Fundamentals in Board Leadership
Business: Managing & ‘New Normal’ and Model and the Health
Leading Retrospection for Future Emergency
Welcome Keynote Panel Panel
Address Address Speech Speech
Prof. Lakshman S. Renganathan Dr. Clare Rigg, Dr. Ravi Fernando
R. Watawala Managing Director/CEO Senior Lecturer and Executive in Residence,
Founder and Commercial Bank PLC Director of Studies, INSEAD Business
President, University of Liverpool, School (Social
CPM Sri Lanka UK Innovation Center),
France and CEO, Global
Strategic Corporate
Sustainability (Pvt.) Ltd.
Panel Discussion
Session Facilitator Panelist Panelist Panelist
Shiran Fernando, Suresh De Mel Dr. Ramesh Prof. Jawad
Chief Economist, Chairman, Shanmuganathan Syed
The Ceylon Chamber of Export Development Executive Vice Suleman Dawood
Commerce Board, Sri Lanka President/Group CIO School of Business,
John Keells Holdings PLC LUMS, Pakistan.
Summing-Up Speech
Dr. Samantha Rathnayake Panelist Panelist
Head of Technical Sessions, Nayomi Dr. Syed Ferhat
Faculty Member / Handunnetti Anwar
Management Consultant,
Postgraduate Institute of Entrepreneur, Fitness Director,
Management, University of J’pura Fanatic, Award winning IBA, Bangladesh
Marketing Specialist