Page 31 - CPM Sri Lanka Annual Report 2020-2021
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CPM Sri Lanka | Annual Report 2020-2021
PM Sri Lanka has set the tone unveiling more leaders who see the big picture through what
its ambitious speakers and panelists appears to be rudimentary notions. The COVID -19 is
lineup from diverse countries for this transitional and transformational testing imperative for
Cyear’s International Management us to learn fast and lead appropriately.
Conference held on 23 and 24 February The technical sessions of the conference headed Dr.
2021. The conference was a much-awaited Samantha Rathnayake summed up the speech on both
event in the Institute’s calendar which focused days with a novel analogy of bringing Polymerase Chain
on Current Disruptions and Implications for Reaction (PCR) test, which is the antibody testing and
Business: Managing & Leading. the dominant way global healthcare systems are testing
citizens for the Covid-19. He postulated as Philosophical
The conference was conducted virtually in line with Contended Realist test. It states that P (Philosophical) is
health precautions of the current ‘New Normal’ situation. relating or devoting to studying the fundamental nature
However, over 800 participants from Sri Lanka and of knowledge, reality, and existence. C (Contended)
overseas were connected this conference which was denotes strategic) aspect, which is asserting something
consists of two technical sessions held on 23 and 24 as a position in an argument/struggle to surmount
February 2021 from 02.00 pm to 05.00 pm in both days (a difficulty). Finally, R (Realist) implies that a person
via zoom technology and participants were able to accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with
access the conference free of charge. it accordingly. In essence, philosophical means asking
The Founder and President of CPM Sri Lanka, fundamental questions such as the reality, the good
Prof. Lakshman R. Watawala gave opening remarks. life, who I am (Identity), etc. Contended, i.e., strategic
Dr. Samantha Rathnayake, a Governing Council questions, how to grow, defend competitive moves,
member of CPM Sri Lanka, a Faculty member from the Unique Value Proposition, etc. In the entrepreneurial
Postgraduate Institute of Management of the University domain, it goes as an entrepreneur who creates a
of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka played the role of the new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying
technical design of the conference and the summing up most of the rewards. Entrepreneurs play a vital role in
on both days. any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary
to anticipate needs and bring good new ideas to
While the current focus is on curtailing the spread of market. In the Covid 19 pandemic transition, one needs
COVID-19 and the economic downturn. We need to a synthesized idea or approach to solve emerging
shed light on a wide array of human activities from problems. They are unprecedented. We need to be ready
households to the corporate sphere. Management for both managing the disruptions as well as leading in
professionals, thinkers, and academics need to come the new realities. Practitioners require a great degree of
forward and address some of the key thematic areas choice in selecting what to do and what not to do.
that require consideration for both managers and
leaders to realign their activities. We need more and