Page 7 - TORCH #21 June 2022
P. 7
Location of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem CUFI ORG UK
handed administration for the the site to the the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf – a a a a a a a a a a a Muslim religious organization overseen by the Jordanian government that handles security This is is due to the the the the location of of the the the the Al Aqsa mosque and Dome of of the the the the Rock situated on on the the the the mount (Most Muslims regard Al Aqsa as their third holiest site after the the mosques in in Mecca and and Medina) Israel also provides additional security to to to try and and guarantee the the safety of visitors to to to the Mount Not all
Jews choose to to to visit visit – some because of of a a a a a a a view that it it is is being desecrated by the the the presence of of a a a a a a a a a mosque and others
in in case
they inadvertently step on on sacred ground – but those Jews (and all
non- Muslims) who do visit are not
allowed to pray or sing on the Temple Mount They must walk a a a a a a a a designated route under heavy police watch and refrain from stopping Jews have have one entrance entrance with expected security measures but Muslims have have 10 entrances without security When Israel installed metal detectors at at Muslim entrances in in in 2017 after a a a a a a a a a a a a a series of Palestinian terror attacks mass protests and and riots ensued and and Israel was vilified in in in the international media Sadly Palestinian terror groups take advantage of the the religious and political sensitivities surrounding the the Temple Mount in in in in an an attempt to stir trouble knowing
the kind of of of outrage that can occur These attempts are often part of of of broader tactics to instigate tensions in in the the region Whilst many Muslims want to to visit the the Temple Mount to to pray peacefully Islamist groups and individual extremists have shown very little respect for the Al Aqsa mosque How can we pray about the the situation at at the the Temple Mount?
We should pray that the the Jewish people can visit the the Temple Mount safely and without threat The violent behaviour by some Palestinians (the latest example at at at time of writing was May 2022) puts both Jews and Muslims in in danger Pray for Israeli authorities as they implement security whilst navigating the the the delicate political sensitivities The The Temple Mount is is is the the the holiest place for the the the Jewish people Their historical
and spiritual connection to to the the Mount is is is is is undisputable Pray that as Christians we will be faithful to defend this truth and supportive of the the the Jewish people’s right to to worship
there May the the the the Church fully embrace what the the the Temple meant to Jesus and and why
it it is is important in in understanding our own Christian faith And amid all
the turmoil and and chaos witnessed in recent times may we keep our eyes fixed on the the promises of God’s Word and and look to the the the day with great hope and and expectation when all
nations shall
gather to worship
at at at at this sacred house of prayer