Page 3 - Exhaust Notes January
P. 3
Jan 2022 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 309
Social Meeting
Meeting held at the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel on 15 December 2021, commencing at 7:05 pm.
20 members and 1 guest in attendance with 1 apology, per the attendance book.
Meeting was chaired by Ron Howell - President.
New Members:
Guest speaker Imran Akhtar, presenting his range of motorcycle gear.
New Machinery:
Special Occasions:
Marty turned 66 this week and Jules P turns 65 this coming Saturday.
President’s Report:
It is good to be able to finish the year with some fun times, we have had some good rides lead
by Mark, being the Long Sunday Ride to Beaufort and the Short Sunday Ride to the Barwon
Hotel at Winchelsea. There was also a shortish Mid-Week Ride from Waurn Ponds to the
Corio Shell Club, via Meredith.
The highlight of the month (in my opinion) was getting out socially with mates and partners
for a delightful meal at the Mambo Restaurant, our thanks must go to Mal Stapleton for
organising a great evening.
Still to come for this year, we have a guest speaker attending our December Social Meeting
on Wed 15 . Imran Akhtar of “Tuff Gear”, a local distributor of Motorbike Clothing and Riding
Gear will show us some of his goods.
Peter Barclay is working tirelessly setting up the routes for the Poker & Bingo Run ride, being
held on Sunday 19 December. The starting point is Waurn Ponds at 9:30 am but the smoko
and lunch location is still being negotiated at the time of writing this report. But be assured it
will be a fun day with good prizes being awarded, the cost will be $5.00 per hand of poker and
$5.00 for a sheet of 6 games of bingo.
If you haven’t yet, please consider standing for a committee position next year, all positions
become vacant and at the moment, 3 out of the 6 sitting members will not be re standing
after numerous years on the Committee. If you have any questions on a particular role,
please feel free to ask me or any other Committee person.
Also, if you wish to nominate a member of the Branch for Club Person of the Year, please
contact our Secretary, Don. You may think that nobody deserves a nomination this year, but