Page 25 - August_10th_SrSteerCo_e_book
P. 25
Remote Project Stock Management
Can we do more with less? YES BT CAN.
Customer Site WH full-time staff WH part-time staff WH no staff Potential Pre-Fab
Premise: Implementation of “remote stocking” of solutions project material will deliver a higher service level with lower overall costs,
but must be paired with improved material logistics planning to divert more shipments directly to job site or subcontractors.
Approximately 75% of shipments go to Ship higher percentage (>50%) direct to job
branch warehouse as a staging area pending to avoid BT warehouse.
final dispatch to job site. Shipments that need to be stored by BT can
be directed to a full-staffed warehouse
Approximately 25% of shipments go direct to nearby awaiting final dispatch instructions.
a job site or go to a subcontractor
warehouse before going to the job site. Fewer warehouse are needed, which reduces
staffing requirements and other roles having
to spend time handling material.
All branches do not have full-time
warehouse staff, which causes The warehouses remaining can have
others roles to fill the gaps or causes multiple staff, which means higher
“material confusion”. service level – capacity, working
hours, backup, value add services
(kitting, deliveries)
PM and other project resources often
deliver material to site, or Warehouse footprint is smaller – easier to
subcontractors pick up material from manager and less costly.
branch warehouse – Time is money!
Pre-Fabrication (panel shops) Process discipline will have to increase –
could be co-located at larger allowing for potential outsource of the
facilities to maximize synergies. warehouse 3PL.
Confidential© Siemens AG 2017
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