Page 24 - August_10th_SrSteerCo_e_book
P. 24

“Field Logistics” Functional Org Chart

           Proposed Scenario
           Using New Logistics roles to manage standard project Material Logistics

                                                             BT CFO                                                                         Primary Engagement Level
                                                                                                                                                    with BT Field

                                                                                                                                                       HQ Mgmt
                                                        BT Logistics Head
                                                                                                                                                     (Field / SSP)

                                                                                         ZLM, WH and PLO resource costs would
                                                                                         move to the Zone and be allocated to
                                                        National Manager                 branches based on branch revenue,                        Zone Mgmt Team
                                                          Field Logistics                transaction volume, and service level (on-
                                                                                         site support vs. remote).
                   Logistics Specialist
                                                                                                                                                 Branch Mgmt Team
                                                          Zone Logistics                 ZLM to provide support on
                                                            Managers                           select critical projects
                                                            *one per Zone
                                                                                                                                                  Branch Ops Team

                                                            Warehouse                          Project Logistics
                 Prefab Operations                     Supervisors & Leads                        Operators
                 - Combined facility footprint                                                                                                       Project Team
                 and shared Logistics /                     Warehouse
                 Warehouse support                                                         For Canada Zone: Add’l HC
                 resources.                                Coordinators                    required to manage
                                                                                           Import/Export,  Master Data, etc.
                                                   Zone Level Support

           Confidential© Siemens AG 2017
           Page 24             08/07/2017                                       Names are for example only                                                            Siemens Industry, Inc.
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