Page 21 - Herbstreet EHB Final 22052019
P. 21
SOLAS retains absolute discretion to extend this time limit.
If you propose taking up employment with an employer or pursuing separate business interests or any
similar venture, you must discuss the proposal with a Manager in order to establish the likely impact
of these activities on both yourself and the Company. You will be asked to give full details of the
proposal and consideration will be given to;
• Working hours
• Competition, reputation and credibility
• Health, safety and welfare
You will be notified in writing of the Company’s decision. The Company may refuse to consent to your
request. If you work without consent this could result in the termination of your employment.
If you are unhappy with the decision you may appeal using the Grievance Procedure.
The Company has the contractual right to carry out searches of employees, their allocated lockers and
their property (including vehicles) whilst they are on our premises. You may be asked to remove the
contents of your pockets, bags, vehicles, lockers, etc. These searches are random and do not imply
suspicion in relation to any individual concerned.
If this should happen, if practicable you will be accompanied by a third party who is on the premises
at the time a search is taking place, or at a time that any further questioning takes place.
The Company is committed to ensuring that the person doing the search will be female if the person
being searched is female and vice versa.
Whilst you have the right to refuse to be searched, your lack of co-operation may be taken into
account when considering any disciplinary action.
The Company reserve the right to call in the Gardai at any stage.
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