Page 24 - Herbstreet EHB Final 22052019
P. 24
Representative can accompany them. When a decision in respect of the matter has been made the
employee will be informed and where this decision is to dismiss the employee will be informed that
he/she will receive formal written notice of this decision. The following list includes (but is not
confined to) examples of the circumstances, which will be regarded as ‘Gross Misconduct’. Please note
that this list is not exhaustive.
• Failure or refusal to carry out duties as set out in your terms and conditions of employment,
or failure to carry out a reasonable management instruction
• Persistent poor time-keeping or absence from work
• A serious breach of the Company Privacy and Data Protection Policy
• Misuse or misappropriation of the firm’s property or equipment
• A serious breach of fuel card usage policy
• Action or behaviour likely to bring the company into disrepute
• Fraud or dishonesty
• Disclosure of confidential information or documents unless expressly authorised to do so
• Violence, threatening or grossly offensive behaviour towards another employee, a client or
member of the public
• Extreme or persistent negligence in duties as laid down in your terms and conditions of
• An act that endangers the safety of others
• Abuse of alcohol or drugs during the course of work
• Conviction of an offence which is inconsistent with your position or renders you unacceptable
to other members of staff
• Falsification of timesheets or expense claims
• Acceptance of financial or other rewards from any third party without disclosure to or
approval from the company
• Serious breach of your terms and conditions of employment
• Abuse, misappropriation or falsification of procedure allowing employees to purchase
materials through the company
3.1.5 Suspension
At each stage the Company reserves the right to suspend the employee without pay for a period not
exceeding three days and for a longer period with pay should further suspension be necessary in
circumstances where:
• The action complained of requires the immediate removal of the employee from their place
of work pending a decision concerning any disciplinary action to be taken and/or
• The action complained of/alleged requires investigation and it is considered by the Company
that it is undesirable for the employee to remain on duty.
• During the period of suspension, the employee will not be entitled to access to any of the
Company's premises except with the prior consent of the Company and subject to such
conditions as the Company may impose.
For the avoidance of doubt, by the signing of your written contract of employment and/or the signing
of this Handbook, you hereby give your prior consent and authority in writing for any deduction from
your remuneration of whatever nature to be made pursuant to the terms of your employment
contract whether such term or terms be oral, written, express, or implied, pursuant to Section 5 of the
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