Page 59 - DIFC EHB 1218 V.1
P. 59
Stationery and other Company equipment must only be used for the purposes of your employment.
Any use of stationery or equipment, which is not authorised or relevant to your job, may result in
disciplinary action.
Company electronic equipment and devices are critical assets that are intended for business use.
Electronic files and communications created, stored, sent or received through company
systems/equipment belong to the company. System users are expected to be responsible, considerate
and ethical in using company systems, to protect valuable company information and to exercise
prudent judgement. Misuse of company systems may result in restriction or termination of access
privileges and other disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Before leaving your place of work for the day you should ensure that your work area (i.e. work
surfaces) is cleared of all papers, files and media, and that all Confidential and Restricted information
is secured.
You should
• Remove all papers, folders, reference material and electronic media (e.g. diskettes, tapes etc.)
from the top of your work area and place them in provided storage facilities (e.g. desk drawers
and filing cabinets)
• Ensure that all sensitive information is locked away when not required for immediate use.
• Log off and power off PC's when you are leaving for the day.
• PC screen saver with password protection MUST be used where available.
• Ensure that other company assets (e.g. laptop PC's, mobile phones etc.) are securely locked
• Any paper documents for disposal and which might be confidential or carry personal customer
information should be disposed of in the red (confidential) bins provided for paper. (The
contents of all such bins are shredded).
At all times, and particularly outside normal working hours, it is essential that DIFC protect its
information and that of its customers and third parties from unauthorised disclosure and theft. This
also applies to safeguarding against theft of company property.
• An untidy work area poses potential risks to the health and safety. It is also a fire hazard and
hinders cleaning of office areas.
Failure to comply with these procedures could harm DIFC's reputation and may damage our ability to
retain and build our business.
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