Page 16 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 16

The terms of a resolution may not be   to Court. However, if the person fails or
         disclosed by a Mediation Officer or by either   refuses to pay the charge the matter can be
         party in any proceedings before a court   progressed to the District Court where the
         (other than proceedings in respect of the   defendant can defend their position in the
         contravention of the terms of the resolution).  normal way.
         Where a complaint/dispute is not resolved,   WRC  inspectors  are  also  appointed  by  the
         the Mediation Officer will notify the parties   Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation
         to the complaint or dispute and the Director   as authorised officers for the purposes of the
         General of the WRC in writing of that fact. The   Employment Permit Acts 2003 to 2014.
         Director General will then refer the complaint
         or dispute concerned for adjudication by an
         Adjudication Officer.               Mediation (Internal Workplace
         Inspection and Enforcement          Mediation  is  a  voluntary,  confidential
         Services                            process that allows two or more disputing
                                             parties to resolve their conflict in a mutually
         Inspectors of the  Workplace Relations   agreeable way with the help of a neutral
         Commission are authorised to carry out   third party, a mediator.
         inspections, examinations or investigations
         for the purposes of monitoring and enforcing   The  Workplace Mediation Service, which
         compliance with employment legislation. The   is  provided  by  officers  of  the  Workplace
         identity of the complainant will not be divulged   Relations Commission’s (WRC) Conciliation
         to the employer unless the complainant has   and  Advisory Services, provides a prompt,
         given his/her consent to do so.
                                             confidential   and   effective   remedy
         Where an Inspector determines that   to  workplace  conflicts,  disputes  and
         a  contravention  of  specified  areas  of   disagreements.  Workplace mediation is
         employment law (including the non-payment   particularly suited to disputes involving
         of certain monies due to an employee under   individuals or small groups of workers.
         employment law) has taken place, and the   Examples of such disputes would be:
         employer concerned fails or refuses to rectify
         the non-compliance the Inspector may issue   4  Interpersonal differences, conflicts,
         a Compliance Notice setting out the steps   difficulties in working together
         the employer must take to effect compliance.
         If the employer does not appeal and fails or   4  Breakdown in a working relationship
         refuses to rectify or set out in writing how   4  Issues arising from a grievance and
         he or she proposes to rectify the matters set   disciplinary procedure (particularly
         out in the notice, the  Workplace Relations   before a matter becomes a disciplinary
         Commission  may  initiate  prosecution  issue)
         proceedings against the employer.
                                             4  Industrial Relations issues which have
         In  respect  of  a  specified  range  of  acts  of   not been the subject of a referral to
         non-compliance on the part of employers,   a WRC Adjudication Officer (trade
         an Inspector will serve a fixed charge notice.   dispute), the WRC’s Conciliation Service
         If the person on whom the notice is served   or the Labour Court.
         pays the charge the matter does not proceed

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