Page 12 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 12
The Commission comprises 8 members The particular issues the Commission is
and an independent Chairperson. There obliged to have regard to in considering its
are members who have an understanding recommendation are —
of the interests of employers, particularly
small to medium-sized employers and (a) changes in earnings during the
those operating in traditionally low relevant period,
pay sectors, and who possess a good (b) changes in currency exchange rates
knowledge and understanding of the during the relevant period,
particular issues faced by Irish businesses,
particularly in relation to labour costs and (c) changes in income distribution
competitiveness. There are members who during the relevant period,
have an understanding of the interests of (d) whether during the relevant
employees, particularly the impact of living period—
on the minimum wage and the sectors (i) unemployment has been
where low pay and minimum wage workers increasing or decreasing,
are concentrated. There are also academics (ii) employment has been
with particular knowledge or expertise increasing or decreasing, and
in relation to economics, labour market (iii) productivity has been increasing
economics, statistics, and employment law, or decreasing,
as well as proven competence in analysing both generally and in the sectors
and evaluating economic research and most affected by the making of an
statistical analysis. The term of office of a order,
member of the Commission is three years (e) international comparisons,
from the date of his or her appointment. particularly with Great Britain and
A person may not be a member of the Northern Ireland,
Commission for more than two consecutive (f) the need for job creation, and
terms of office but is otherwise eligible for
re-appointment. (g) the likely effect that any proposed
order will have on —
(i) levels of employment and
The National Minimum Wage (Low Pay
Commission) Act 2015 requires the unemployment,
Commission in making a recommendation to (ii) the cost of living, and
the Minister on the National Minimum Wage (iii) national competitiveness.
(NMW) to have regard to a number of factors
since the most recent making of a National
Minimum Wage Order. Health and Safety Authority
The remit, and the legislation, also require The Health and Safety Authority is the national
that the Commission give consideration to statutory body with responsibility for ensuring
a range of issues in coming to a decision that all workers (employed and self-employed)
on a recommendation to the Minister and those affected by work activity are protected
for an appropriate rate for the minimum from work related injury and ill-health. This is
wage. Some of the issues are, essentially, done by enforcing occupational health and
matters of fact, while others necessitate an safety law, promoting accident prevention,
element of assessment and appraisal, and and providing information and advice across
considered judgement. all sectors, including retail, healthcare,
manufacturing, fishing, entertainment, mining,