Page 10 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 10

The Department also administers the   The Commission’s core services include the
         Employment Permits system which facilitates   inspection of employment rights compliance,
         enterprises to access talent from overseas   the provision of information, the processing
         that is in short supply in the State. The suite   of employment agency and protection of
         of supporting regulations ensures that the   young persons (employment) licences and
         system remains attuned to the changing   the provision of mediation, conciliation,
         labour market and enterprise environment.  facilitation and advisory services.

                                             The Commission has a board consisting
         The Workplace Relations             of a chairperson and 8 ordinary members
         Commission                          appointed by the Minister for Business,
                                             Enterprise and Innovation.
          The  Workplace Relations Commission
          (WRC) has responsibility for
          4  promoting the improvement of    The Labour Court
            workplace relations, and maintenance
            of good workplace relations,     The Labour Court, established under the
                                             Industrial Relations  Act 1946, provides a
          4  promoting and encouraging       comprehensive service for the resolution
            compliance with relevant enactments,  of disputes about industrial relations
          4  providing guidance in relation to   and has sole appellate jurisdiction in all
            compliance with codes of practice   disputes arising under employment rights
            approved under Section 20 of the   enactments.  The Court’s functions can be
            Workplace Relations Act 2015,    divided between those relating to industrial
                                             relations matters and those relating to
          4  conducting reviews of, and monitoring   the determination of appeals in matters of
            developments as respects, workplace   employment rights.  Additionally, the Court
            relations,                       has a number of functions in relation to
          4  conducting or commissioning research   Joint Labour Committees and the making
            into matters pertaining to workplace   of Employment Regulation Orders as well
            relations,                       as registering Joint Industrial Councils and
                                             Employment Agreements.
         4   providing advice, information and the
            findings of research conducted by the   The Court consists of 13 full-time members
            Commission to joint labour committees   – a Chairman, 4 Deputy Chairmen and
            and joint industrial councils,   8 ordinary members representative of
          4  advising and apprising the Minister   employers (4) and workers (4). The Chairman
            in relation to the application of, and   and Deputy Chairmen are appointed by
            compliance with, relevant enactments,   the Minister for Business, Enterprise and
            and                              Innovation; the 4 Employers’ Members of the
                                             Court are nominated by IBEC (Irish Business
          4  providing information to members of   and Employers Confederation) and the 4
            the public in relation to employment   Workers’ Members of the Court are nominated
            enactments.                      by ICTU (Irish Congress of Trade Unions) and
                                             then appointed by the Minister. The Labour
                                             Court also has a legal adviser (the Registrar).

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