Page 9 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 9
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
1 Introduction
This booklet provides information on all other non-national workers working in
employment rights and equality legislation Ireland under a contract of employment (See
applying in Ireland. It should be noted that page 60-61 for more detail regarding posted
this legislation applies to all workers working EU workers and other non-national workers).
in Ireland including posted EU workers and
2 Workplace Relations Offices and Services
Department of Business, The Department strives to make all markets
Enterprise and Innovation work more efficiently through smart
regulation which, among other matters,
encourages high standards of compliance,
The Department’s overall mission is to
encourage the creation of high quality and and quality employment without unnecessary
sustainable full employment by championing regulatory costs.
enterprise across government, supporting
a competitive enterprise base, promoting The Department’s responsibilities in regard
a low tax environment to incentivise work to industrial relations lie in the formulation of
and enterprise and promoting fair and policy, support and oversight of the industrial
competitive markets. relations institutions, the administration of
industrial relations and trade union law and
the monitoring of developments in industrial
The Department ensures through work
at national and international levels that disputes. In addition the Department is
workplaces are safe, employment rights involved in the promotion of employee
are appropriate and respected, harmonious participation in the workplace.
industrial relations are promoted and any
disputes or contraventions are handled In addition, the Department of Business,
efficiently and effectively; that skills needs Enterprise and Innovation is responsible for
are identified and met through alignment the promotion, administration and review of
of education and training provision and, a variety of measures in the field of labour
as required, through targeted and efficient legislation and employment rights.
economic migration.