Page 66 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
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another person in exchange for a payment   Elections for worker directors, which are
         would strongly suggest the existence of a   by secret ballot, are held every 4  years.
         contractual relationship.           Employees of at least 18 years of age, who
                                             have one year’s continuous service with the
         The Industrial Relations Act 1990 (Code of   enterprise, are eligible to  vote at worker
         Practice for Protecting Persons Employed in   director elections.
         Other  People’s Homes)  (Declaration)  Order
         2007 introduced a code of practice setting   Nominees for election must be employees
         out the current employment rights and   between 18 and 65  years of age with at
         protections for persons employed in other   least 3  years’ continuous service.  Trade
         people’s homes and to provide       unions and other bodies that are recognised
                                             for collective  bargaining  negotiations may
          4   for the obligation to provide a written   nominate candidates for election.
             statement of terms and conditions of
             employment as required under the   The 1988 Act provides for the introduction
             Terms of Employment (Information)   of sub-board participative arrangements  in
             Acts, detailing hours, rates, duties,   35 State enterprises. Sub-board arrangement
             breaks, leave entitlements, treatment   scan be set up following application by a
             of travel time etc;             trade union or unions or at the request of a
                                             majority of the employees of the enterprise.
          4   for the safeguarding of privacy;
                                             Provision is made for the drawing up of an
          4   that the employer will not keep any   agreement between the State enterprise
             personal document belonging to an   and  its  employees  concerning  the  specific
             employee;                       arrangements  to be introduced.  The
                                             legislation is not prescriptive in relation to
          4   for the treatment of accommodation   the nature of the arrangements introduced,
             and making of any deductions;
                                             but does provide that these must include the
          4   that all additional duties will be by   following essential features:
             prior agreement only and out-of-
             pocket expenses will be reimbursed   (i)   a regular exchange of views and
             promptly;                          information between management
                                                and employees concerning matters
          4   that the employer will facilitate the   which are specified in the agreement;
             employee in the free exercise of
             personal pursuits; and           (ii)   the giving in good time by
                                                management to employees of
          4   that the employer will not restrict   information about certain decisions
             the employee’s right to trade union   which are liable to have a significant
                                                effect on employees interests;
                                              (iii)  dissemination to all employees of
                                                information and views arising from
         Worker Participation                   the participative arrangements.

         The Worker Participation (State Enterprises)
         Acts  1977 to  2001,  provide  for  employee
         participation at board and sub-board level in
         certain State enterprises.

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