Page 63 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 63

Workplace Relations Commission -
         Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law

         12 Other Relevant Provisions

         Transfer of Undertakings            pension schemes outside the Social Welfare
                                             Acts. In effect, such pension rights in place
                                             on the date of transfer do not transfer across
         THE REGULATIONS                     to the new contract but are protected under
                                             the Pensions Acts 1990 to 2003 – where the
         The European Communities (Protection of   relevant  supplementary  company  pension
         Employees on  Transfer of Undertakings)   scheme  is  an  occupational  pension  scheme
         Regulations 2003 aim to protect the   within the meaning of those  Acts (i.e. an
         contractual rights of employees in respect of   approved  pension  scheme).  In  relation  to
         their employment in the event of the transfer   unapproved occupational pension schemes,
         to another employer of the business or part   the transferee (new employer) is required to
         of the business in which they are employed.
                                             “protect” the rights of employees in such cases.

         RIGHTS/OBLIGATIONS                  DISMISSAL
         The Regulations provide that the rights and   An employee may not be dismissed by reason
         obligations of the original employer (“the   of the transfer of an undertaking. Dismissals
         transferor”)  arising from  an  employment   for  “economic technical or organisational
         contract existing at the date of a transfer   reasons entailing changes in the workforce”
         shall, by reason of such transfer, be transferred   are, however, not prohibited.
         to the new employer (“the transferee”).
         Furthermore, the transferee must continue to   If an employee’s contract of employment
         observe the terms and conditions agreed in   is terminated because a transfer involves a
         any collective agreement on the same terms   substantial change in working conditions to
         as were applicable to the transferor under   the detriment of the employee, the employer
         that agreement until the date of termination   concerned is regarded as having been
         or expiry of the agreement or the entry into   responsible for the termination.
         force of another collective agreement.
                                             EMPLOYER’S INSOLVENCY
         PENSIONS EXCEPTION                  The above obligations on the part of an
         However, the above rule does not apply   employer, in a transfer situation, do not
         in respect of employee’s rights to old   apply where the outgoing employer is
         age,  invalidity  or  survivor’s  benefits  under   subject to proceedings whereby he could
         supplementary  company  or  inter-company   be adjudicated bankrupt, or wound up (a

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