Page 60 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 60

Complaints                          The Unfair Dismissals  Acts provide for
                                             a right of complaint to the  WRC where
         The Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment   employees consider that they have been
         Acts 1973 to 2005 provide a right of complaint   unfairly dismissed. Employees who consider
         to the  Workplace Relations Commission   they have been unfairly dismissed but who
         (WRC) where an employee believes that a   do not qualify under the Unfair Dismissals
         contravention of the Acts has occurred.   Acts for certain reasons (e.g. have less than a
                                             year’s continuous service) may, in most cases,
         The Redundancy Payments  Acts 1967-2014   refer the matter to the Workplace Relations
         provide a right of complaint to the Workplace   Commission for adjudication under the
         Relations Commission (WRC) where an   Industrial Relations Act 1969. Referrals may
         employee believes that he/she has not   also be made to the Commission in the case
         received his/her entitlements under those Acts.   of dismissals connected with any of the nine
                                             discriminatory grounds prescribed by the
         Section 11A of the Protection of Employment   Employment Equality Acts, 1998-2015.
         Act 1977 provides for a right of complaint
         to the  WRC where employers allegedly   The relevant complaint form is available on
         contravene their obligations to consult with, or by contacting
         and give information to, employees in a   the Commission’s Information and Customer
         collective redundancy situation.    Services on 1890 80 80 90. There is a right
                                             of appeal by either party to the Labour Court
         Section 9 of the Protection of Employment Act   from a decision of a WRC Adjudication Officer.
         1977 provides that an employer must initiate
         consultations with employees’ representatives
         where he/she proposed to create collective  Additional Information
         redundancies.  Where a  WRC inspector has
         reasonable grounds for believing that the   See  the  Explanatory  Leaflets  on  the
         offence of failing to so consult has occurred,   Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment
         he/she may serve a Fixed Payment Notice on   Acts, the Protection of Employment Act 1977,
         that employer in accordance with Section 36   Guide to the Redundancy Payments Scheme,
         of the Workplace Relations Act 2015. If the   the Insolvency Payments Scheme and the
         employer  pays  the  charge  specified  on  the   Unfair Dismissal  Acts, copies of which are
         Notice the matter does not proceed to Court.   available on request, or downloadable
         However, if the person fails or refuses to pay   from Detailed
         the charge the matter can be progressed to   Redundancy  Payment  and  Insolvency
         the District Court where the defendant can   Payment Scheme Procedures are available
         defend their position in the normal way.   from the Department of Employment Affairs
                                             and Social Protection at
         The Protection of Employees (Employers’
         Insolvency)  Acts 1984 to 2012 provide
         that disputes regarding decisions of the
         Department  of Employment  Affairs  and
         Social  Protection on  applications  for
         payment in respect of arrears of pay, sick
         pay, holiday pay and in relation to pension
         scheme contributions may be referred to the
         WRC for adjudication.

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