Page 56 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 56

30 days before the first dismissal takes place   Insolvency
         to see if the redundancies can be avoided or
         lessened or their effects mitigated.
                                             PURPOSE OF THE INSOLVENCY
         These consultations must also  cover   PAYMENTS SCHEME
         the basis on which it will be decided
         which particular employees will be made   The purpose of the Insolvency Payments
         redundant. Employers must also give written   Scheme, which is provided for in the
         notice of their intentions to the Minister for   Protection  of  Employees  (Employers’
         Employment Affairs and Social Protection at   Insolvency) Acts 1984 to 2012, is to protect
         least 30 days in advance of the first dismissal.   certain outstanding pay-related entitlements
         There are penalties for failure to comply with   of employees in the event of their
         these provisions.                   employer  becoming  insolvent  as  defined
                                             in  the  legislation.  Insolvency  includes  such
                                             circumstances as liquidation, receivership
         A collective redundancy means the dismissal
         for redundancy reasons over any period of 30   and bankruptcy.
         consecutive days of:
                                             ENTITLEMENTS COVERED BY THE
          (i)   at least 5 persons in an     SCHEME
             establishment normally employing
             more than 20 and less than 50   The main employee entitlements payable
             employees,                      under the Scheme are arrears of wages,
                                             sick pay, holiday pay and pay in lieu of
          (ii)   at least 10 persons in an   notice due under the Minimum Notice and
             establishment normally employing at   Terms of Employment  Acts. Payments on
             least 50 but less than 100 employees,  foot of adjudication decisions or mediation
          (iii)  at least 10% of the number of   resolutions  under equality, maternity
             employees in an establishment   leave, adoptive leave, parental leave, unfair
             normally employing at least 100 but   dismissals and industrial relations legislation
             less than 300 employees,        may also be paid. A wage limit of €600 per
                                             week applies to all pay-related entitlements
          (iv)  at least 30 persons in an    payable under the Scheme.
             establishment normally employing
             300 or more employees.          The Insolvency Payments Scheme also pays
                                             employees’ outstanding contributions to
         There  are regulations  in  place  since  21st   occupational pension schemes which have
         December, 2000  - European Communities   been deducted from wages of the employees
         (Protection of Employment) Regulations,   but not paid into the pension scheme.
         2000 (S.I. No. 488 of 2000) – which amend   Unpaid employer pension contributions
         the Protection of Employment Act 1977 to   may also be paid from the Fund subject to
         provide representation of, and consultation   certain limits.
         with, employees in the absence of a trade
         union, staff association etc.       There are statutory limits on the amounts
                                             of payments and the periods to which they

         7   Resolutions reached in accordance with Section 39 of the Workplace Relations Act 2015

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