Page 51 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 51

Special restrictions are placed on employers   Sick Pay and Sick Leave
         in relation to deductions (or the receipt of
         payments) from wages that:-         In general the matter of sick pay and sick
          (i)   arise from any act or omission of the   leave is not covered under employment
             employee, or                    rights legislation. Policy on sick pay and
                                             sick leave in individual companies may
          (ii)   are in respect of the supply to the   be decided by the employer and agreed as
             employee by the employer of goods   part of the employee’s terms and conditions
             or services that are necessary to the   of employment or may be set out through
             employment.                     collective agreements negotiated between
                                             employers and employee representatives.
         A deduction from wages of the kind described   The Terms of Employment Acts 1994 to 2014
         at (i) or (ii) above must be authorised by   provide that an employer is obliged to provide
         virtue of a term in the employee’s contract   an employee with a written statement of
         of employment.                      terms of employment within 2 months of
                                             the commencement of employment.  The
         The employee must be given at some time   written statement of terms of employment
         prior to the act or omission, or the provision   must include information on the terms or
         of the goods or services, written details of   conditions relating to incapacity for work due
         the terms in the contract of employment   to sickness or injury.
         governing the deduction (or payment to the
         employer) from wages.
                                             The Payment of  Wages  Act 1991 provides
                                             that an employee who does not receive sick
         When a written contract exists, a copy of the
         term of the contract that provides for the   pay as per his/her terms of employment
         deduction (or payment) must be given to the   may refer a complaint to the  Workplace
         employee. In any other case, the employee   Relations Commission for adjudication. The
         must be given written notice of the existence   relevant complaint form is available on
         and effect of the term.   

         The amount of the deduction described
         at (i) or (ii) above must be fair and  Complaints
         reasonable  having  regard  to  all  the
         circumstances including the amount of   Employees have the right to complain to the
         the wages of the employee.          Workplace Relations Commission in relation
                                             to entitlements under the National Minimum
         In addition to the above, in the case of   Wage  Acts 2000 and 2015, an unlawful
         a deduction that is related to the act or   deduction (or payment) from wages or in
         omission of an employee, the employee   the  event of  non-payment  of  wages.  The
         must be given particulars in writing of   relevant complaint form is available on
         the  act or omission and the  amount of or by contacting
         the deduction (or payment) at least one   the Commission’s Information and Customer
         week before the deduction (or payment)   Services on 1890 80 80 90. There is a right
         is made.

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