Page 48 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 48

the employee, as detailed in the Table over.
          (ii)   apprentices within the meaning   The statutory minimum hourly rates of pay are
             of or under the Industrial Training   gross amounts i.e. before tax/PRSI is deducted.
             Act 1967 or the Labour Services
             Act 1987 including an apprentice
             printer, bricklayer, mechanic, plumber,
             carpenter/joiner and electrician, or  Working Hours
          (iii)  any non-commercial work     The working hours of an employee for the
             undertaken by prisoners.        purposes of the  Acts include any overtime
                                             hours worked  in the pay reference period,
                                             any time spent on standby in the workplace,
         Minimum Hourly Rates of Pay         and any training time during normal working
                                             hours. Working hours for the purposes of the
                                             Act do not include the time that an employee
         The National Minimum  Wage  Acts 2000   is  absent  from  work  on  annual  leave,  sick
         and 2015 provide that an experienced adult   leave, protective leave, adoptive leave,
         worker must be paid an average hourly rate   parental leave, while laid-off, on strike or time
         of pay that is not less than the national   for which an employee is paid in lieu of notice.
         minimum wage in a pay reference period.
         A pay reference period may be a week, a
         fortnight or no longer than a month. For the   Reckonable and Non-Reckonable
         purposes of the Acts, an experienced adult
         worker is an employee who is not:   Pay

          (i)  under age 18, or              Reckonable pay means those payments
                                             or  benefits  in  kind  that  are  allowable  in
          (ii)   in the first two years after the date of   calculating the average hourly rate of pay
             first employment over age 18, or  of an employee, in order to determine if the
          (iii)  a trainee undergoing a course that   employee has been paid his/her minimum
             satisfies the conditions which are set   hourly rate of pay entitlement under the
             out in S.I. No. 99 of 2000.     Act. Information on reckonable and non-
                                             reckonable pay components is contained in
                                             the Detailed Guide to the National Minimum
         The table over illustrates the circumstances   Wage Acts, which may be downloaded from
         where an employer may pay a lower rate than or obtained
         the national minimum wage rate shown above.  from the  Workplace  Relations Commission
                                             (T: 1890 80 80 90).

         Determining the average hourly
         rate of pay                         Training / Study Criteria
                                             The criteria that a course of training or study
         The gross reckonable pay earned by an   must satisfy for the purposes of the Act, in
         employee in a pay reference period is divided   order for an employer to pay an employee
         by the employee’s working hours in that pay   the trainee rates, are set out in the Detailed
         reference period.  The average hourly rate   Guide to the National Minimum Wage Acts. An
         of pay obtained must be not less than the   employer, even if an employee changes his/
         minimum hourly rate of pay entitlement of   her job, cannot pay an employee the trainee

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