Page 44 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
P. 44

(iii)  'Relevant Person -Need for Full-Time Care   parallel  State  payment  of  Carer’s  Benefit.  The
            and  Attention:  the relevant person (i.e.   two  schemes,  Carer’s  Leave  and  Carer’s  Benefit,
            the person receiving full-time care and   are administered in tandem in respect of these
            attention) must be deemed to be in need of   criteria. Further information in relation to the
            full-time care and attention by a deciding   Carer’s  Benefit  Scheme  may  be  obtained  from
            officer (or appeals officer) of the Department   Carer’s Benefit Section (contact details above). See
            of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.   also the booklet on the Carer’s Benefit Scheme.
            This decision is based on information
            provided by the relevant person’s general   Other Carer’s Leave eligibility criteria are set
            medical practitioner and assessed by that   out in the Carer’s Leave Explanatory Booklet.
            Department’s medical advisor.

         Application forms (Form CARB1) are available   Manner in which Carer’s Leave
         from Carer’s Benefit Section of that Department   may be taken
         (Telephone: 043 -40087). The completed form
         should be returned to Carer’s Benefit Section,
         Department of Employment Affairs and Social   The Act provides that the leave shall be taken
         Protection, Balinalee Road, Longford.  in either one continuous period of 104 weeks
                                            or one or more periods, the total duration of
         The  one  medical  assessment  will  suffice  for   which amounts to not more than 104 weeks.
         both  Carer’s  Leave  and  Carer’s  Benefit  (the
         Department of Employment Affairs and Social   The minimum statutory entitlement that may
         Protection State payment).         be taken in one period at the discretion of
                                            the employee is 13 weeks. An employer and
                                            employee, however, may agree to terms more
         Meaning of ‘Full-time care         favourable to the employee.
         and attention’

         According to Department of Employment   Intervals between periods of
         Affairs and Social Protection Regulations, this  Carer’s Leave
         means that a person being cared for must be
         so disabled as to require:         Where  Carer’s  Leave  is  not  taken  by  an
                                            employee in one continuous period of 104
          (a)   continuous supervision and frequent   weeks there must be a gap of at least 6
             assistance throughout the day in   weeks between periods of Carer’s Leave
             connection with his/her normal   taken in respect of the same relevant person.
             personal needs, e.g. help to walk and   An employee proposing to avail of Carer’s
             get about, eat or drink, wash, bathe,
             dress etc. or                  Leave for another relevant person cannot
                                            generally do so until a period of 6 months
          (b)   continuous supervision in order to   has elapsed from the date of termination of
             avoid danger to him/herself.   the leave in respect of the previous relevant
                                            person. This provision does not apply where
         The entitlement criteria outlined at (a) and   two relevant persons reside together.
         (b) above are also required to qualify for the

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